Chapter 31

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I ran out of the lake house towards the nearest road. It was pitch black and the only light sources were the moon and the bonfire in the disdance.

Some tears were running down my face. Ugh, why did I have to be so stupid. Why would I ever even think of us being more than friends.

But then again, all the times he had kissed me... I refused to admit that Amy was right and Luke is an asshole.

I heard someone yelling my name behind me. I ignored him but the voice came closer and closer.

"Bella!" said Calum panting when he put his hands on my shoulders "Where do you think you're going in the middle of the night?"

"Home... I don't know, anywhere..." I tried my best to hold back all the tears.

"Hey, what's wrong? Are you crying?" he must've noticed my watery eyes.

"No, I'm fine" I faked a smile but I know I couldn't fool him.

"Want to take a walk?" he offered.

"If you insist"

We walked along a road that I hoped would never end because I didn't want to deal with anything at that moment. We walked in silence for a while until Calum broke it.

"I'm a good listener if you need to talk"

"I'm so stupid" I let out a cheerless laugh.

"Hey, we're all stupid sometimes, you're not the only one" he gave me a warm comforting smile.

"I know but I'm like really stupid"

I don't know what made me do it but I told him the whole story from beginning without mentioning any names.

"Luke's such an asshole sometimes" Calum replied.

"I never said I, was talking about Luke"

"I know his patterns, he's been my best friend since we went to the kinderkarten. I thought for a moment that you had changed him but nevermind." he sighed.

"What do you mean?"

"Maybe it's the best when you ask it from himself" he said and we both fell silent.

After a little while we walked back to the lake house and Calum offered me a ride home. He said that I shouldn't cry because of Luke and that he really had thought Luke had changed and that he's gonna have a serious talk with him.

When I entered my house, it was all dark. My mom was probably asleep. She was the last person I wanted to deal with right now. I went straight to sleep.


I woke up bust to hear my mom yell at my dad in the hallway.

"She doesn't want to see you! Why won't you listen to me!?" My mother yelled.

"I want to hear it from herself, is it so hard to understand?" I heard dad's voice.

I jumped out of the bed and stormed in the hallway.

"Dad!" I cried.

"Bella!" he spread out his arms to welcome me into a hug. I hugged the heck out of him.

"Go back to your room, Bella!" the strict voice of my mother commanded.

"No, mom, I want to talk to dad"

"Go!" she yelled.



"Don't you even try to take my own dad away from me!"

"Go away" mom said to dad as she pushed him out of the door.

"You're grounded until the end of the schoolyear and you won't come out of your room unless you're going to school or I ask you to" she grabbed my wrist so hard it hurt and dragged me to my room.

When she closed the door I didn't even realize I was crying until I saw how wet my shirt was.

Wanna run away? (Luke Hemmings fanfiction)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu