Chapter 5

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I woke up to the amazing smell coming from the kitchen. I quickly brushed my teeth, got dressed and put my hair in a ponytail. "Morning, mom!" I shouted as I went downstairs. Nobody answered. I found a note and some pancakes on the kitchen table. I took a bite from one pancake while I read the message:

"I went to work early today - mom"

I finished my pancakes and went to my room to get my bag. I checked my phone. Two text messages from Carola:

"I'm glad you're doing great :)"

"It's so damn boring without you"

I texted back:

"Math sucks without you :("

I got my bag and went to school.


I saw two girls standing next to my locker and talking. Josy and Amy. "Hey!" Josy came to hug me. "Hiii" I said back. "I've got math first, what about you guys?" Amy asked. "English" I said happily. "Art!" Josy smiled. I heard the bell ring. "See you at lunch!" Josy said as they both left. I rushed to the English class.


I had math after english. I entered the class and sat down at the same seat as yesterday. Teacher wanted us to pair up. Everyone found a partner for themselves exept me.

"I guess you have to deal with me" I heard a voice from my back. I turend over to see that blond badass guy again. Oh god. Why do things like this always happen to me?

I sat next to him. "Luke" he smiled. Wow. That dick could actually be nice if he wanted. "I'm Bella" I said. "So what do we have to do?" I asked and he laughed...


I went to the cafe to meet my new friends. Today was the first time I actually enjoyed math. Luke was really nice.

Josy and Amy were talking about what to wear to a party or something when I joined them.

"Hey, Bel!" Amy said happily.

"How has your day been so far?" Josy aked.

"Great!" I smiled.

"Well that's good" she answered.

"How was the math?" Amy asked quickly.

"It was... Umm... Fine" I lied. I didn't want to tell them I had to pair up with Luke because they told me to stay away from him.

"Oh" she acted weird.

"Bella, you know what?" Josy changed the subject.

"What?" I asked.

"The hottest boy in our school just asked what was your name before the lunch!" she said.

"Oh my god, really?" I blushed.

"Yeah, I don't know if you've seen him but he wanted to meet you" she said in an exited voice.

"What? When?"

"After school. In front of the school" she said.

"Omg, really??" I was so damn exited.

"C'mon, you haven't even seen him and you already act like you're totally in love" Amy said in a casual tone.

"You're just jealous!" Josy giggled.

"No, I'm not!" a smile appeared on Amys face.

"Anyways, he is so DAMN CUTE! You just gotta meet him!" Josy giggled.

"Alright, alright. What does he look like?" I asked.

"Well he's cute and he's very hot and..." Josy got cut off by Amy "Shut up! He's tall and has dark curly hair and brown eyes! Damn he's hot!" she started giggling too.

"Stop laughing it's not funny!" I blushed.


After the school I waited for that super cute and hot guy with curly hair and brown eyes.

"Hey! Be...lla right?" I heard someone say. I looked at him. Wow. I didn't expect this.

"Ummm... Hi... Yeah, Bella" I smiled shily.

"Well, I'm Ricky." he said smiling. "Do you wanna hang out with me? Go to a cafe or something?" he asked.

"Um... Why not?" I smiled.


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