Chapter 13

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I woke up to the annoying sound of my alarm clock. I slowly got out of the bed and went to take a shower.

Luke had gone home very late last night but my mother didn't notice a thing, I hope.

I decided to not to put make up on this day so I just brushed my hair and put it into a ponytail. I put on a hot pink hoodie and my favourite dark wash jeans.

As I went downstairs I heard my mom in the kitchen talking to someone on the phone "don't call me anymore... I don't want to see you and she doesn't either... just shut up... don't call me and don't try to talk to me or Bella again. Bye!" and she ended the call.

"Who was that?" I casually asked as I grabbed a banana from the fruit basket.

"None of your business..." she said coldly and walked out of the kitchen. Great start for a monday I must say...


"Heey girrllll!" Josy hugged me tight "haven't seen you in a while!" she pulled away and smiled.

"How was your weekend? I heard that Ricky was pretty upset" Amy asked nervously.

"Oh... That... He tried to make out with me and I overreacted..." I looked at my feet.

"Alright! You have a music class first right?" Josy smiled.

"Yea" I smiled back.


"Good morning, class!" mrs. Shon said. Luke wasn't in the class. Where is he?

Suddenly the class door opened and Luke stormed in like the last time we had music. He walked straight past the teacher and sat down next to me.

"Hello..." he said on a low tone.

"Hey, is there something wrong?" I asked him. He was wearing a black T-shirt today so I could see his tattoos.

"You are staring...?" he said and I quickly turned my eyes away.

"Sorry, I was just thinking..." I wispered.

"About what?"

"You... have a lot of tattoos..." I said.

"Um... Yeah..." he said simply and looked away.


I met Josy and Amy at the cafe like we had usually done.

"So are you going to apologize in front of Ricky, Bella?" Amy asked me.

"Apologize? Amy, he tried to rape her!" Josy protested.

"He didn't try to rape me... He was just... I dont know..." I tried to explain.

"He tottally tried to rape you" Josy said and that's when I saw Luke and another boy who I guess was his friend.

They walked past us and Luke smiled to me. I smiled back but when he saw Amy his smile faded and he kept walking.

"What was that!?" Amy yelled. Now everybody exept Luke and his friend were staring at us.

"What?" I asked confused.

"Why did you smile at him?" everybody kept staring.

"This is none of your business who I smile at!" I snapped.

"Calm down girls! Amy, it was just a smile, don't make a scene" Josy tried to calm us down.

"You can't just randomly smile at him! What is going on with you two!?" Amy shouted.

"Nothing special..." I checked over Luke. He was talking with his friend.

"Nothing special!?!?" Amy yelled.

"Calm down, Amy!" Josy said and handed Amy a glass of water.

"Alright... Sorry..." Amy said and took a sip of the water.

"Well that was weird" Josy joked nervously.

"Please, Bella, stay away from Luke! I know what I'm talking about." Amy said on a little calmer tone now.

"But why? He seems nice" I said and looked at my hands which were folded on my lap.

"Amy has a crush on him" Josy smirked.

"It's not only about that... It's that he's a total jerk. He has slept with tons of girls at parties. He just uses them to have fun and the throws them away like a trash. And you don't wanna see him when he's drunk" Amy said quietly.

"How do you know that?" I asked confused.

"I've been to those parties" she said.

"Is it true?" I looked over to Josy.

"I'm afraid yes..." she said and looked down.

"Okay..." I said quietly.

"Are you going to make up with Ricky?" Josy asket to change the subject.

"I guess I should do that..." I said. My voice was still quiet.

"Call him now!" Josy commanded.

"Yes, sir!" I joked and dialed Rickys number. After few rings he picked up.

"Hey, hun..."

"Hey, ummm... We need to talk..." I told him.

"Yeah, we do, I'll pick you up after school. Alright?"

"Yea, byye!"


Wow. 13th chapter already! Please vote &/or comment if you liked it! Thank you so much for reading :)

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