Chapter 27

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I drove Bella home and was about to get home myself. I didn't want to go home though. I knew I had to help Johnny so he wouldn't think of me as a lazy ass idiot teenager.

As much as I wanted to turn the car around and drive back to Bella's, I still made it home. The clock showed 6.22.

I heard the doorbell ring and I stormed to open it.

"Hello" I said to Johnny who was standing at the door.

"Hello, Luke! How's life?" he pulled on a fake smile.

"Life's good actually" exept the fact that you're going to move in with us. I gave him a fake smile in return.

"So..? Your mom told me you'd help me to carry few things in"


"Follow me then" he said casually. He showed me where his car was and opened the car door.

"Here, take this bag" he handed me a big black sport's bag. He took a big box by himself.

"Your mother told me you didn't want to help me at first" we started walking towards the front door.

"I had to cancel some plans" I mumbled.

"What? I can't hear you when you mumble"

"I had things to do" I said annoyed.

"I want you to respect me. I'm your new stepfather"

"No, you're not. You're just my mom's boyfriend. You have nothing to do with me" I hissed angrily. That guy was so annoying.

"Don't talk to me like that" he raised his voice.

"Don't tell me what to do!' I dropped his black bag just next to the front door and he did the same with his brown box.

"Don't yell at me" he said angrily and we both went to take another bag.

"You started" I mumbled taking his dark green suitcase.

"One rule you have to learn when you live in the same house with me is no mumbling" he took a thing wrapped in brown wrapping paper and followed me.

"I don't care. I just try to act like I don't hate you because I love my mom." I left the suitcase standing next to the other two bags.

"Look who's a big mama boy" he teased. It wasn't like a friendly teasing, it was very annoying kind of teasing.

"She's the only person I have, okay? And if you're gonna hurt her, I'll hurt you. I promise." I snapped.

"You wouldn't" a disgusting smirk appeared on his face.

"Wanna bet?"

"No, I don't wanna play with the fate. Who said I was going to hurt your mother" he said.

"Fine. I think you should leave now." I was already really annoyed by his presence.

"I would like to have a cup of coffee and talk until your mother arrives." he went to the kitchen without a premission.

"Okay but I'm not gonna make you a cup of coffee" I opened the fridge and took myself a soda.

"Alright, so how's school?" he gave me another fake smile.

"It's fine" I didn't bother to smile back.

"How are your grades?"

"Normal" I took a sip from my soda.

"So ummm... Do you have a chick already?"

"Yea, we have a chicken farm in the back yard" I said sarcastically.

"No, I mean like... Girls" he said awkwardly.

"None of your business" I snapped and went to my room. I locked the door and sat on my bed.

Most of our conversations ended up like this. I just don't feel like I should tell him about my personal life.


Sorry for the short chapter, I just didn't want you to wait any longer.

School starts in less than 2 weeks and it's getting me really stressed out.

Shoutout to everyone who's stressed out with me! Kidding... I wish you luck

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