Chapter 33

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WARNING! This chapter might contain unpleasant scenes, not recommended if you can't handle this kind of content.


"Luke can do whatever he want, we're just friends" I tried to calm myself but my eyes turned watery.

"Just think about it. But I really am sorry for what I did to you. If there's any way I could make it up to you..." Ricky said.

"Just leave me alone" I stopoed him and left. I wanted to go home. At least I could avoid more unpleasant suprises there. Would Luke really do something like this?

In my way out of the school I saw Amy sittting on the stairs, crying.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I sat next to her and put my arms around her.

"It's nothing... I'm... I'm fine..." she quickly wiped the tears away with her sleeve.

"Are you really?"

She let out a huge sob and more tears ran down her face.

"I fell into his trap.. Bella... I fell into Luke's trap" she cried.

"He used me... I thought he meant what he said but... He used me... How could I be so stupid... I even... I even warned you about him..." her face was dripping wet now.

"Oh, Amy... Don't cry because of him" I huged her tighter.

After half an hour when Amy had finally stopped crying, I took her to an ice cream bar. We ate ourselves full and I sent her home.

When I had finally arrived my own home I had time to think what had just happened today. Everything I had ever thought about Luke was a lie. He really was a player after all.

I fell on my bed and started sobbing. It was all so unfair. I thought I could even have a normal life here but turns out the opposite. I wish I could just move back to dad's and forget any of this ever happened.



An hour had passed while I was waiting for Bella to show up. I saw Josy, a friend of Bella's, getting out of the school door.

"Hey, have you seen Bella?" I ran up to her.

"Last time I saw her in the cafeteria, is anything wrong?" she sounded a bit worried.

"No, she just promised to meet me after school"

"I think she has already gone home, I didn't see her in geography, I gotta go now, seeya!" she hurried off.

I let out a huge sigh. Bella had never acted so cold. I needed to get to know what's going on.



I just laid on my bed, not bothering to notice how slowly the time was moving. My eyes were burning and all my muscles were extremely painful but I didn't care. I got out of the bed and headed to the bathroom.

I stared at my reflection in the mirror. It made me want to throw up. I looked like an absolute mess.

I went to my mom's room and searched all her drawers to find a small jar full of her sleeping pills which she held for extremely stressful days. I also took a bottle of one of the finest wines she had.

I locked the door of my room and took a seat on my bed again and poured all of the sleeping pills out of the jar.

I grabbed a few and swallowed them, followed by sweet-tasting red wine. The more I swallowed the easier it got. I was starting to feel dizzy. I thought I heard someone calling my name and I felt someones hands trying to pull me up from my bed.

I felt the warm hands picking me up and putting me down on something cold. I heard a guy's voice telling me something but I couldn't quite understand.

I was about to black out when I felt him sticking my own fingers in my throat. He held my hair as all the pills I had swallowed came right up. I guess I was next to the toilet pot but I wasn't exactly sure.

The next thing I remembered was a shot of cold water in my face. I was liyng on something hard and cold and cold water was all around me. I tried to open my eyes but they wouldn't obey. Was I in heaven because it sure didn't feel like it?

"Bella!" I heard a familiar voice.

"What?" I slightly opened my eyes and saw Luke.

"You're alright! Thank godness!" he cried and jumped right in the bathtube I was ling in to hug me.

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