Chapter 15

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This chapter might be bad/boring/short, sorry... :/


It's been two days since I last saw Luke around. He hasn't been in school for two days and I'm already worrying... What is wrong with me?

I told Ricky about the things I told my mom to get to go to the party and he seemed fine with that.

Wow, saturday is actually in 2 days. I was exited for the party. Josy wanted to go shopping today to get an outfit for it.

"Do you know anything about Luke?" I asked Josy and instantly wanted to slap myself in the face.

"No, why?" she casually said while trying on some kind of white heels.

"I was just wondering" I smiled nervously.

"Is there something going on with you two?" Josy smirked at me.

"No! Ofcource not! How could you even come up with this?" I blushed.

"Tell me!" she smirked and pulled me from my wrist.

"Later..." I smiled at the ground.

"So there is something going on with you two?"

"No, we're just friends!" my face was probably dark red already.

"Yea, sure!" she laughed.


When we were done with shopping we went to a small coffee shop next to a bookshop.

"So what's up with Luke?" Josy smirked.

"We're just friends" I started blushing again.

"You we supposed to tell me what's going on and you just say you're friends..." Josy poked me gently.

I told her how he wanted to teach me math, how I went to his place when I ran away from Ricky's house, how he sneaked into my house and how we played that question game.

"Oh my god, girl! You totally have something going on!" she yelled over the coffee shop.

"Shut up!" I blushed.

"Amy will kill you if she gets to know!" she told me in a more serious tone.

"I know... That's why I didn't tell you..." I looked at the ground.

"So you don't know why Luke has been absent for two days?" I asked shily.

"Nope, sorry... It's been only two days, girl. Calm down!" she smiled.

"Alright, I gotta go now... Coming with me?" she said.

"Yeah, let's go" I smiled.


I was just about to open my front door when I remembered that I was grounded. I hope mom isn't home.

I slowly entered thr door.

"Mom?" I yelled to make sure she's not at home.

"Bella, where the hell were you!?" my mom came from the kitchen.

"I had to teach... umm... someone at school and yeah... Sorry, I didn't call..." I tried to hide the shopping bags.

"If you don't want to be grounded till the new year..." my mom started to say but I interupted.

"Yeah, it won't happen again, I swear!" I ran to my room and locked myself in.

I hid the stuff I had bought under my bed and went to take a shower.


I woke up with sunlight blinding my eyes. It' saturday already and I still haven't seen Luke.

I slowly got up from the bed and went to shower. I dried myself and got dressed.

I blowdried my hair and put it in a messy bun and went to check my phone: 1 message from Ricky, 1 message from Josy. I checked Josy's text first:

"Come over, we have to get ready for da party"

"ok :)" I texted her back and then checked Ricky's text:

"Are you coming to the party?"

"Yea" I texted back and called Josy.

She picked up after one ring.

"Heey!! Good morniing!" she shouted.

"Morning! I'm coming over. Just called to let you know."

"Alright! Make sure you take your dress!"

"Yea, I know, bye!"

"Seeya!" I threw my phone on the bed and went to the kitchen.

Mom was there like always.

"Good morning!" I shouted. Mom didn't answer so I just ignored her and went back to my room to get ready.

I quickly changed my clothes and put on a little bit of mascara and I was ready to go. I put the dress and shoes I got from the mall in a backpack so mom wouldn't suspect anything and went back downstairs.

"Mom, I'm going to Josy's place now!" I yelled.

"Make sure you'll text me!" I heard her shout back.

"Alright, bye!" I shouted as I stepped out of the door.


"Hey, Bella!" Josy came to hug me.

"Hi" I hugged her back.

"Come in!" Josy smiled. She guided me to her room.

"So... Let's put our dresses on!?" I smiled.

"Yessssss!" Josy shouted.

I took my tight but not too short strapless black dress out of the backpack and put it on.

"Oh my god! You look absolutely gorgeous!" Josy screamed when I showed her myself.

"Thank you" I slightly blushed

"Now let's do your hair and make up! Your gonna break lots of hearts tonight, girl!" she said as she got her makeup stuff out.


This chapter is dedicated to carly_girl ;)

Sorry if it was short :P Give it at vote if you liked it! :)

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