Chapter 35

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The next day was a bit brighter than the last one. I ignored Amy and Ricky all day because I really didn't want them to ruin my day anymore.

I was sitting at the caffeteria with Josy, in our usual booth, of cource, when I had no joice but to face Amy.

"Thanks for yesterday" she gave me a smile which I knew was fake.

"You're a liar, Amy. You can go fuck yourself" I said calmly and didn't care about the confused look on her face.

"What did you just say?" she got all red in her face.

"You heard, bitch" said Josy. I had told her the whole story and she had to admit that Amy had in fact been acting weird lately but she had hoped that she wouldn't come up with somethins so crazy.

Both, Josy and I, headed our steps towards the exit of this caffeteria.

"I hate you, Bella! You're not even worth a pile of shit!" Amy yelled after me.

"Same goes to you" was all I answered.


At home, mom was in an extremely bad mood.

"Why do you never do anything useful in this house? You're gonna wash all the floors today and then go back to your room" she said. I was starting to feel like a Cinderella or something.

After midnight, when I was about to go to bed, I heard a small rock hit my window. I hurried to the balcony, hoping to see Luke and there he was, smiling like an idiot.

"Bella! Would you like to run away with me?" he grinned.

"What? Are you mad?" I couldn't help but get a huge smile on my face too.

"Is that a yes or a no?"

"You mean to run away like right now?"

"Yes, c'mon, I don't want your mom to see me!" he whispered.

"You're crazy, I'm gonna get my stuff!" I grinned and went back inside.

By the time I had found a bag to put my stuff in, Luke had climbed up and started to help me pack random stuff that seemed necessary and we were ready to go.

Suddenly the door opened and guess who stormed in. My mother, of cource.

"Who are you talki-" she stopped in the middle of the sentence. None of us moved a limb for about 30 seconds.

"Ummm hi" Luke said and smiled sheepishly.

"What in the world is going on here!?" mom yelled. Luke grabbed me by the hand and pulled me towards the balcony. I was too stunned to think anything so I just followed him.

He helped me to climb down the tree under my mom's bedroom window and with my mother still yelling in the background we hurried to his car.

"I'll call the police, I've warned you!" I heard her yell when Luke's car rushed off.

"Shit, that was close" he sighed and we burst into laughter.

"Guess where we're going first" Luke asked after a little while.

"To the beach?"

"To the beach!" he shouted and I laughed at how stupid we must've looked since his car windows were down.

"Luke" I wanted to ask him something.

"Yes?" he gave me a quick smile before turning his eyes back to the road.

"Am I a bad daughter for doing this?" I felt a bit quilty for leaving my mother like this.

"She'll be alright. Maybe she'll even realize what made you run away from her, don't think about it right now" he gave me another comforting smile.

"Can I use your phone to call my dad? I feel like he deserves to know that I'm fine."

"Sure, it's right here" he pulled his phone out of his pocket and handed it to me.

"Thanks" I smiled as I dialed my dad's number.

He picked up after a few rings.

"Hello, it's mr. Black, how can I help you?" I heard my dad say.


"Bella!" dad's voice changed from annoyed to exited.

"Dad, I just wanted to tell you that I'm alright so if mom asks you if you've seen me, don't be worried, okay? I just felt like you needed to know" I rambled "I'll come and visit you one day, bye"

"Bella, wait!" I heard him say but I had already ended the call.


After a long car ride we had finally made it to the beach. We were walking hand in hand by the freezing water. Sun had already set and the only thing lighting our footsteps was moon.

I felt like all the weight on my shoulders had dropped the moment I got out of my house. We could do whatever we wanted, go wherever we wanted. I wasn't sure for how long it would last but at that moment I didn't even care.

"Wanna go swimming?" Luke smirked. It was slowly beginning to become our inside joke or something.

"Oh, yes, the water seems extremely warm today" I laughed.

"Bella" said Luke as he stopped and looked me into my eyes.

"What?" I couldn't help but smile.

He slowly wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into a tight hug.

"Remember when I sat next to you in the music class the first time we met" he didn't remove his gaze from my eyes "It wasn't actually my seat at all"

"You jerk" I hit him gently and we laughed for a while.

"Luke" it was now my time to confess something.

"Yeah?" he asked, pulling me closer to him as we kept walking.

"Remember the time I slept at your place" I said "You thought I was asleep but I wasn't, I heard what you said"

"You little..." he picked me up and started running toward water.

"No, not the water! I'll do anything!!" I laughed. I really didn't want to get in the water this time though.

"Okay but only because I don't want you to get cold" he smirked but didn't put me down.

"Hey, put me down!" I tried to wiggle out of his grip but it was inpossible.

"No way" he giggled.

"I hate you" I poked him slightly.

Luke put me down this time and grabbed my hands. He pulled me really close but he wasn't going to kiss me. Instead his lips moved towards my ear for a whisper.

"I don't care how much you hate me but I think I love you" were the words that left his mouth.

I was speechless for a moment but I soonly got my voice back.

"I don't think I heard you right, can you say it louder" I replied him with also a whisper.


"I love you too" I giggled and pulled him into a sweet kiss.


That's it for this story guys, it was a wonderful journey writing it :')

This story also leaded me together with an incredible friend (you know who you are) and gave me a lot of new experience. Thank you for every single vote and comment :)

I hope you enjoyed reading it just as much as did writing it.

Btw I'm writing another fanfiction, it's called 'The Lines I Wrote You' and it's about Calum Hood. Check it out if you want to ;)

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