Chapter 6

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Ricky showed me his car. It was white and looked pretty expencive. I'm not really good at knowing car marks. I don't know them at all to be honest. He opened the car door for me and I sat in.

"So... Umm... How old are you?" I asked to break the silence.

"Me? I'm 17. What about you?" he said but he kept his eyes on the road.

"16" I said shily.

"Oh, that's cool..." he smiled, eyes still on the road.

It was a little akward silence between us before I broke it "So where are we going?" I wanted to slap myself in the face for that guestion. We were going to some kind of cafe like he said before.

"I dunno, a cafe maybe...?" he looked at me for a second, making sure if I liked the idea.

"Sounds fun" I smiled and the akward silence took place again.

After like 5 minutes of car ride Ricky parked in front of a big shopping cenntre.

"You said we were going to a cafe?" I said a little suspiciously.

"We are" he smiled and we started walking to the entrance.


We finally made it to cafe. There was a little too many people around us. We both ordered coffee and cheesecake.

"So... How do you like it in our school?" he asked nervously.

"It's nice" I smiled.

"I just wanted to tell you that the first time I saw you I thought I saw an angel. You were so beautiful just casually standing there in front of your locker. The way you just... You're just perfect!" he said and my eyes widened.

What the fuck did I just hear. Sorry for the bad words but like really. It's the first time I've seen him and I think I already like him.

"Hey, you okay there?" he asked nervously. I realized that I've been staring at him for like 20 seconds.

"Yeah, I'm great!" I said a little too loud but he just smiled at me.


We were back in Rickys car. He drove me home.

"Can I have your phone number?" he asked.

"Sure but I want yours too" I smiled and we switched our phones.

We swiched back and I got out of the car. He walked me to my frontdoor.

"Today was fun! Wanna do it again soon?" he asked.

"Yeah, it was fun... I mean, yeah, sure!" I blushed a little.

"I'll call you!" he said as he gave me a hug and went back to his car.

I opened the door and went in.

"Mooom! I'm home!" I shouted.

"I'm in the kitchen!" she yelled back.

"Alright" I said quietly.

I dropped my bag to my room and went to the kitchen.

"Mom?" I asked her. She was cooking something.

"Yes?" she asked, chopping vegetables or something.

"Ummm... I want to tell you something at the dinner..." I said nervously.

"Yeah, dinner's ready soon." was all she answered.

I sat down by the table.


"So, I wanted to tell you something..." I told mom.

"Yes. What is it?"

"It's about... one boy" I said quietly.

"What boy?" mom asked. She sounded like she really didn't care.

"Ricky. I think... I like him." I blushed.

"Alright" she said like I just told her the most boring thing you could imagine.

"What?" I raised my tone a little.

"Alright. I told you it's alright. What do I have to tell you then?" she said in a strict voice and I knew she was mad at me for talking to her on that tone.

"Ok" I said coldly and walked to my room.


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