Epilogue: Part 2

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The entire ballroom was quiet, everyone was tearfully waiting for something to happen "Please... come back... We need you!" sobbed Sofia. "You have to back sweetie..." Sobbed Miranda "You HAVE to!", "Forgive me young ones" Frowned Walter "But there is an extremely high chance he may fail in finding his way back", "No way we're believing that!" Cried James, "He just HAS to come back!" Cried Amber, King Roland sadly hugged them as he tried to fight back his tears. Walter spoke loudly and closed his eyes "The exit should completely dissapear right about... NOW", everyone looked closely at Ethan's lifeless face for a few seconds... but to no avail. Everyone looked down in sadness where as the entire Royal family of Enchancia sobbed harder then ever before, "Nooooo..." Cried Sofia and she rested her forehead on top of her now deceased brother's all the while sobbing uncontrollably. Not a single face in the entire room wasn't crying, but then... after a few moments of near total silence, something happend. Ethan's body jolted to life, breathing heavily and eyes glowing ruby red, his head then sprang up only to be met by his little sister's hands on his cheeks.

Everyone Gasped in shock... but then, the entire room was immediately filled with cheers of joy and laughter, the sound was beyond deafening "My baby boy's alive!" Cried Miranda, "Ethan!" Sofia Cried happily and she hugged his head as hard as she could all the while crying happily. As the noise died down, all of the other Royals gathered round the hero teen "Ethan... you're alive!" King Roland Beamed through his tears, "In...deed" Ethan Smiled weakly, he then held on to Sofia as he slowly got up while she had her arms wrapped round his neck. when he finally got to his feet, Sofia surprized him by kissing him on the cheek "I thought i lost you... i missed you so much!" She Said tearfuly, "I missed you to... my little amethyst" her big brother Smiled in return and he embraced her like the very moment he first laid eyes on her "AWWWWW" gushed the entire crowd. Walter then came over and Ethan turned to face him "Saved my arse again!" He Said in a joking manner, everyone couldn't help but giggle, including Walter himself "Well done, young Ethan!" He Smiled "After countless generations of nothing but war, terror and suffering... it is over, my creations are all free, and it's all thanks to you", the room was once again filled with deafening applause. Ethan just smiled proudly "Anything to save my home... to save my people... to save my family", "I'm so... proud of you, son" Miranda Sobbed happily, Ethan just opened his arms and his mother dashed into them followed by Sofia. Everyone watched happily as their hero hugged the  remnants of his family, over the moon to be reunited once more "Mother... sister" Ethan Said "I swear from the bottom of my heart, i will NEVER leave you again... NOT EVER, not after what has happend here between me and that... faker, this is all my fault", "No it isn't" Walter Replied "Chernabog would have infiltraited the castle either way, if you'd have stayed... he would have kidnapped you, or taken you far away and do... unspeakable things to you". "What you decided was, in reality, the better choice, whether you believe it or not" added Prince Eric. "But it's all over now," smiled Snow White. "And it's time to settle down, and begin an exciting new life of Royalty," her Prince added as he held her hand. Then, Mickey and Oswald appeared from behind their master, "There he is! the single greatest good guy of all time!" smiled Oswald. "You did it, pal!" Mickey beamed, "We knew you could!". "Thanks to you lot, as well," Ethan smiled. He then looked towards King Roland, James and Amber who were all smiling at him, his smile grew bigger as he opened his arms and they went over to join him in a massive group embrace followed by Miranda and Sofia. When they all parted, Ethan looked Roland in the eyes, he simply couldn't stay mad any longer "Father" He Smiled, "Son" the King Smiled in return, he put his hand on Ethan's shoulder and after a few seconds... they pulled each other into another massive embrace.  "Family doesn't require blood, it requires love," Walt quietly said to himself.  "AWWWW" went the crowd, "Awww" Sofia gushed "Ethan finally accepts dad as his new father!", "I know!" her mother Beamed "I couldn't be prouder!". When they parted, Ethan turned to face the other Royals "I suppose he never told you about my... tragic past" He Frowned, "Actually" Miranda Frowned "He already did", "Well then, i suppose you all know the reason why i'm like this..." Ethan Frowned. "Yeah, i guess we do" Frowned Aunt Tilly, "We're so sorry!" Frowned Prince Hugo, "That must have been horrifying to have to live through!" Frowned King Magnus, "You stand correct" Ethan Frowned back. "At least it's all over" Smiled Sofia, Ethan just Smiled "About time, too". Roland then took his newest son up to the podium, "I... am a person of few words" He boldly Decleared "But i will say this... I love my family to death. I may have lost my real father 10 long years ago... and it is unknown as to what exactly happend to him. But i can only assume... he is most likely dead, but now... myself, my younger sister and mother, join King Roland II and his family of three - and thus... we have all finally become one!" the whole ballroom erupted with cheers and applauds, "I am Prince Ethan the First of Enchancia! and i am here... to stay!" He proudly finished, he then winked at his new family as his mother smiled in return as she dried her tears. Everyone continued to cheer loudly, Ethan stared over at Walter and the Fairytale Princes and Princesses who were all smiling back and clapping for him. Walter gave him a quick wink, which made him do the same. Sofia quickly ran up to him with excitment, he hugged her tightly and picked her up, then they both embraced each other once again as their neck-wear glowed ruby pink and red along with their eyes. Everyone gazed in awe at the mind-blowing sight as they all prepared to leave, apart from the Royals as the Kings had something planned. However, just as all the guests was getting ready to leave, the God of Magic himself walked up to the podium.

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