Chapter 9: Forgiveness

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"You Axel, are the very child i helped all those years ago, and look at you... all grown up into a teenager" Ethan Smiled, Axel was amazed at what he had just heard "I-It's nice to see you again!" He Smiled back. "And i can see your little brother here is in a world of his own" Ethan Chuckled, Axel turned to see Hugo staring off into space and he gave him a nudge. "Sorry what!?" Hugo Said aloud, Ethan and Axel just laughed "Amazed by our little backstory huh?" Axel Asked, "Sure am" Hugo Smiled. "Well, i think we should head back to our coach baby bro" He Added , "Oh come now, call him little brother" Ethan Chuckled, "Why would i do that? Axel Smirked back, "Because you clearly have no idea how it effects him" Ethan Smirked back. "I don't mind" Smiled Hugo "Besides, i'm used to it", "Well it was great to meet you... for the second time" Axel Smiled "But WE have parents waiting for us back in our kingdom". "May i ask, what you were doing here?" Asked Ethan out of curiosity "Because that's the main reason i came over", "Looking around the place one last time as we're never coming back..." Came the sad reply, "Ah, graduation, understandable" Ethan Smiled in responce "I was just having a little stroll when i came across this pleasent place". "Anyway, it was nice to meet you Ethan, but we should really get going" Said Hugo. "Of course, don't let me keep you!" Ethan Said in his most posh voice causing the brothers to laugh, "Goodbye!" They Called, "Farewell!" Ethan Waved in return. When the boys were finally out of sight, the Ruby Chain around his neck began to glow "Oh god now what!?" He Asked annoyed, but the Ruby Chain simply displayed a holographic live clock in front of him "Wait, that's the time!?" Ethan Exclaimed "Shit, i need to move!". He raced back down the path and back into the village, he raced down the streets and around moving carridges and horses untill at last he made it back to the castle entrance. "So this thing CAN be useful at times" Ethan Thought to himself "Looks like this thing and the Amulet of Avalor really ARE connected". Just when he was about to head up the stairs, he rememberd this morning and the argument about The King being his NEW father, "Maybe he was right... maybe he IS ment to take my father's place" Ethan Sighed "I have to apologise, right now". He raced up the stairs and the guards opened the main door only to reveal the Royal Family standing there.

"Ethan!" everyone Smiled happily "We've been wondering where you've been all these hours!" Said the King, "Oh i just went to rescue a damsel"  Ethan Joked and everyone laughed. "Actually, he went for a stroll to cool off" Sofia giggled, "Well we're glad you're safe" Smiled Miranda "Where did you go?", "A place called Royal Prep" Came the reply. "We just Graduated from there!" Smiled Amber, "Y-Y-You just... Graduated?" Asked Ethan, "Yep!" Smiled James "Just last month!". Ethan was gob-smacked at the fact that his little sister had just graduated from school, "My... little sister... just graduated from school..." there was a long silence, untill Ethan neeled down and opened his arms and Sofia dashed into them. He then sprang up and spun her around in a circle "My baby sister's growing up!" He Cried. Everyone laughed at the adorable scene, Ethan then put Sofia back on the ground and felt tears coming on "I'm so... proud of you" He Smiled trying to hold in his happy tears "I can't believe i missed the celebration... if only i'd been found... a little earlier". "Aw, don't be sad" Sofia Said giving him a reasuring smile "We graduated way before we even found you", "I know..." Ethan Replied sadly "And congratulations to you two as well" He Smiled to James and Amber and invited them into his arms. Roland and Miranda then neeled down to join them "I'm sorry about this morning" Said Roland, "And i'm sorry to" Replied Ethan "I'm just new and confused", "But your safe now" Sofia Smiled sweetly, "You're right" Ethan Smiled "YOU had to get used to being a princess, so now I'VE got to learn how to be..." there was another long silence "A Prince?" Asked James, "You... could say that" Replied Ethan. "Miranda, i believe it's game night" Announced Roland standing up, "Oh yes it is! thank you for reminding me" Miranda Smiled in return, she then turned to Ethan and the kids "Meet me and you're father in the game room in an hour, Ok?". "Very well" Ethan Replied, "Yes mother" Said Amber, "Sure thing mom" Smiled James, "I can't wait! our first game night with my big brother!" Squealed Sofia, Ethan just laughed "Ok Ok! i'm your older brother, not the Queen of England!", "I'm sorry, Queen?" Asked Roland, "Oh nothing" Ethan Replied.

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