Prologue: Part 2

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Johnathan, still carrying his crying son on his back, tried to keep quiet as he snuck around the patroling vilagers armed with torches, pitchforks and other weapons of sorts. He knew at this point, he was most likely 'Marked for Death' by now. He snuck across the streets back towards the harbor. When he arrived, he noticed a small sail boat in one of the bays, an idea then came to mind and he immediately began to put it into action. He heard a portion of the search party coming their way, "Shhhhh... it's ok, we'll be safe soon" he soothed his son, "O-Okay, daddy..." Ethan whimpered. Then, all of a sudden, John roared out loud, "OVER HEAR!!!" which caused the large group of villagers and guards to notice him immidiately. "OVER THERE, GET HIM!" roared the Captain of the Royal Guard whilst covering his bleeding nose, "CHASE HIM! BEAT HIM! THROW HIM OFF THE PEIR!!!". John raced back towards the bay, boarded the small boat, raised the sail, ran over to a stacked stack of crates and, at the same time, noticed an old hooded rain coat. He removed his sailor's shirt and put on the coat, he then put his sailer shirt on the top crate on the stack creating the illusion that the pile of crates was actually him... somehow. Just then, both of them heard what sounded like a stampede, and hid behind a horse and carridge. The ever-growing large group of aggresive guards and villagers arrived at the harbor just in time to see the boat sailing away. "Look, he's on that boat!" Shouted one villager, "That does look like him!" Shouted another. "OH NO, YOU DON'T!!!" Roared the Captain of the Royal Guard as he pulled out a large, wooden object from behind his back.

"This old 'thing' was enchanted by the Royal Sorcerer, Goodwyn the Great, in honor of my service," the Captain explained quickly, "Observe

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"This old 'thing' was enchanted by the Royal Sorcerer, Goodwyn the Great, in honor of my service," the Captain explained quickly, "Observe..." He locked the firing mecanism, hovered over the trigger, aimed for the boat, and pulled the trigger. Then, an explosion lit up the surrounding waters and houses; Johnathan had no intention of sticking around, so he made a run for a nearby horse, and both he and his son left the area in a hurry. They approached what was once their humble home, so they quickly stopped to do just one last thing. His lover quickly came outside with their new-born daughter cradled in her arms, Miranda's cheeks were a deep shade of pink, indicating she had been full to the brim with tears the entire time they were gone. She bravely smiled at the pair, and John bravely smiled back along with a wink - and Ethan also smiled at her bravely, all the while tears streamed down from his soaked eyelids. His father gently rubbed his back, giving him reassurance, but not by much. Then, the father and son duo quickly trotted of into the dark and gloomy night. Their horse followed the main road untill they passed by a sign that, on the opposite side, read 'Summerset Village', they had finally reached the edge of the Kingdom's border, they had finally left Enchancia forever... Many long hours passed as they continued up north towards the nearest possible Kingdom, however, John was terrible with directions and had no map whatsoever. Soon, they became lost in an overgrown wooded area.

 Soon, they became lost in an overgrown wooded area

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"Oh, Bother..." John groaned silently, "We were on a highly lit road 5 minutes ago, where in the devil are we?", "Hey, daddy, look over there!" said his son. Johnathan shushed him, but turned anyway to see an old temple overgrown with greenery, "What... What's that doing there?" John gasped, but just as he began spoke, it began to rain down loudly and heavily, "We can take shelter in there! excellent spotting, my boy!" he smiled, and they both ran up the stairs and through the entrance. Johnathon and Ethan both sat down against a wall, covered in markings of origins unknown. "Don't worry," Ethan's father soothed him, "Everything's going to be alright..." but then began to tear up, he pulled his son closer into a big embrace. There, Ethan began to cry even harder, "No it won't, dad!" Johnathan looked his son in the eye, "Y-You called me 'dad'... Oh, my boy is growing up!" He smiled happily and he hugged him once again, but much longer and tighter this time.

Just then a bright light appeared in the centre of the room, "What in the name of!?" a confused Johnathan gasped as Ethan covered his eyes in fear, "Stay behind me," Johnathan said seriously. Ethan did exactly as he was told and hid behind his father's legs. "Are you Johnathan of the United Kingdom?" said a heavenly, God-like voice. John's eyes widened greatly, "H-How do you know me!?" he exclaimed. "Breath, young one," replied the figure, "We are among the Guardian Spirits of the Ever Realm, we come in eternal peace." Then, 7 other ghostly looking people appeared around him. "And what is it that you want?" asked a concerned John, "I am afraid... it is your son that we want," said the elderly looking spirit, "No!" John shouted, and he picked up his son and quickly took a few steps back, "I've lost my soon to be wife, AND my new-born daughter! I will NOT lose my son as well!". "Please, calm down," soothed the spirit of Kaldoun, "We know this is a most difficult time for you...". "But you must co-operate if the Ever Realm wishes to remain safe" added the spirit of Wei-Ling. "I REFUSE!!!" roared Johnathan, "FIND SOMEONE ELSE, WE WANT NO PART IN YOUR FANTASIES!!!" "Then drastic measures must be taken," the elderly spirit replied coldly, and he used some sort of telekinetic power to raise John above solid ground and remove Ethan from his tight grasp. "DAD!" Ethan cried as he floated out of reach and towards the Elder Spirit. "I WILL KILL YOU!!!" roared John. "Forgive us, Sir," replied the spirit, "But your son... has a destiny". "What!? What in the hell are you talking about!?" exclaimed John, but his was promptly ignored. "I'm afraid his destiny must be forfilled... alone," replied the Elder Spirit. "Please... please..." Johnathon begged, tears once again filling his eyelids. "Shhhhhh... it's going to be alright. Neither you or your child will not be harmed, sweetheart," soothed the spirit of Avalor, "I promise we'll take care of him to the best of our abillities". "We're doing this for the sake of your home," added the spirit of Albuquerque, "You don't want it gone forever, do you?". Then, all of a sudden, some of the spirits began to sing softly in an unknown language, and eventually, Ethan fell fast asleep seemingly out of nowhere. "No... please... I beg of you..." his father said tearfully. "He is in good hands, mortal - and that's final," the Elder Spirit told him, "We thank you for keeping him safe for us, but we all must be on our way. Farewell, Earth". As they start to fade away, Johnathan, being brave and protective, charged at the spirits with all his might, in an attempt to grab his son and make a getaway. But all the the leader conjured a powerful spell to teleport Johnathan to an area unknown, just as another bright light surrounded Ethan and the other spirits. "SON!" John shouted. Finally, he vanished into thin air, leaving only his rain coat behind... At last, the Spirits faded away with Ethan in the arms of the females.

To this very day said child and father have not been seen or heard of for an entire decade... and the boy's little sister, Sofia, who was now the age of 10 and-a-half, had grown up not knowing of her father or older brother, and her mother has still refused to herself to tell her daughter about the other half of her true, biological family. Two years earlier, when she was 8, her mother married King Roland II, the 'current' ruler of Enchancia, thus marrying herself and her daughter into the world of Royalty. Sofia now had a new step-brother and step-sister, Prince James and Princess Amber, and she, herself, had become one in the process. For the following 2 years, Sofia would go on to experience many grand and royal adventures, but her biggest one of her life, at that time, was just around the corner. When an evil power hungry sorceross named "Vor" escaped from a place known as the 'Mystic Isles', she invaded Sofia's kingdom with an army of powerful crystal-like minions, but her entire plan was foiled by the brave princess. In honor of her bravery and proven skill, Sofia became a 'Protector of the Ever Realm' and has yet witness another adventure or discover what happened to the 'other' half of her real family......... UNTILL NOW.

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