Chapter 18: Darkness Arrives... Part 4

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Ethan slowly staggered his way through a dark, overgrown and unforgiving forest-like area, "Why... does this all look familier?" He Thought "Father!?" He Called out, "Father!?... Hello!?" there was only silence following endless echos. Eventually he noticed the reflection of the moon in a small pond and he sighed in relief "A drink at last..." he got down on his knees and began to scoop up the water in his hands, he had no choice bu tto give in. Suddenly, he saw a large pair of, glowing, inhuman, soul-piercing, yellow eyes above his own in the reflection. It let out a deep, demonic roar, and smiled evily. It then grabbed Ethan's entire head and shoved it underwater. Thrashing his arms around franticly, Ethan tried his hardest to escape from the unknown being's grasp but it was God-Like in strength. He needed air badly, but just as he knew it... his vision was beginning to black out. Finally, Ethan's arms... stopped thrashing, the mysterious black figure had a massive dark grin on it's face as it dissapeared back into the darkness.

10 Hours Later

Morning arrived and Sofia was feeling very sleepy, all night she had worried about her big brother and hoped he was okay. "Don't worry Sofia" Said Robin "I'm sure he'll be back", "I hope so..." Sofia Sighed sounding as if she was going to cry. "Shhhhhh.... it's ok" Frowned Mia the Blue Bird "Don't cry", Sofia began sobbing softly "My whole life i never knew i had a big brother... as i grew up, i had to learn to look after myself... now that he's come back, for some strange reason... i feel small, hopeless... scared-", "Princess Sofia?" Said a voice "Breakfast is on the table when you're ready". "Thanks Bailywick..." Sofia Sobbed, Bailywick felt sympathy for the young Princess and walked over to confort her "It's ok Princess" He Said softly "Don't give up hope, i'm sure he'll return" he then gave her a small smile, but Sofia didn't think that was true. "Oh Bailywick, i miss him so much! I just want to be in his arms again!" She Sobbed "The way it felt to be in his arms... i felt happiness, i felt protected, i felt... magic".

5 Minutes Later

Sofia finally left her room and went to join her family for breakfast, "Good morning Sof" Sighed James "We won't talk about yesterday, we'll just let you eat in peace". "It's ok..." Sighed Sofia "It's not like i'll forget my own flesh and blood by tomorrow anyway", "Sofia honey, listen" Frowned King Roland "I'm just as upset as you are, but crying won't bring him back". "I don't care" Sofia Frowned angrily "All of you apart from mom wouldn't know since you've clearly never lost someone that close to you...", "I have... long ago" Frowned Roland, "Really!?" Asked Amber and James in unison. "Yes..." Roland Replied quietly "But i'm not going to talk about it, let's just eat", "Majesties! do come quickly!" Called Bailywick "You simply MUST see this!". Everyone quickly left the table and ran to the entrance, once they arrived, they were greeted by something that suprized everyone.

 There standing in front of the entrance, was a 6 ft 2 young man with dark brown hair "ETHAN!" Everyone Cried in unison, they all sprinted over and hugged him as tightly as humanly possible. "WE THOUGHT YOU WERE GONE FOREVER!" Sobbed Sofia, "I... NEVER LEFT YOU" Ethan Smiled sweetly. Everyone was shocked at how deep his voice was "What on Earth happend to your voice!?" Exclaimed Amber, Ethan cleared his throat "Pardon me" He Apologised "Just... a little raspy". "So you must be" Replied Roland "With all that happend last night, it's no wonder you don't sound yourself", "Indeed" Frowned Ethan "Listen, i am TRUELY sorry... for everything". "I thank you for the apology" Roland Said forming a smile "And I'M sorry aswell, it's just taking us a while getting use to each other", Ethan raised his brow in confusion "Just like that?" He Asked "After all that i said about you... you DON'T feel like fireing up?", "Of course not" the King Chuckled "I can easily be stern and easily angered at times, but you've been through many more hard times than I have in a lifetime. So i'm offering you a THIRD chance, so we can work on your problems involving me". "How... thoughtful of you, thank you ever so" Ethan grinned "Anyway, I never left you all, i just... went... home". Miranda put her hand on his shoulder "I can tell" She Frowned "Please... don't ever do that again, you really frightend us", "Oh i would NEVER do that again, not if it makes you feel this way" He Smiled, "After all, you raised me well" He Winked. "Same with me" Smiled Sofia, "Well i TRIED to, i know boys all too well" Miranda Smirked playfully, "Oh you..." Ethan Smirked and he began tickling her. Everyone laughed at the adorable scene "Ah stop it!" She giggled, "Say you brought me up well, say it!" Ethan Chuckled, Miranda was now belly laughing "Okay Okay! i brought you up well!" She Cried. Ethan finally stopped tickling his mother as she began breathing heavily "Now im not the ONLY one needing a rest" Ethan Joked. "Agreed" Chuckled Roland "YOU need to rest your mind, and your mother needs to rest her stomach" everyone laughed and they all went to Sofia's bedroom. "What a night..." Ethan Sighed as he collapsed on Sofia's bed, "I know" Replied Roland "After a second argument and running off in the middle of the night? you certainly need to relax a while". "My body requires fresh air" Ethan Decleared and he began to unbutton his shirt. But then Miranda remembered something, "No wait!" She Exclaimed but it was too late, Ethan fully unbuttoned his shirt and took it off. Everyone gasped "Don't look kids!" Exclaimed the King covering James and Amber's eyes, "What?" Asked a concerned Ethan "There's nothing wrong with me". "It's not that..." Replied Miranda "It's your chest...", Ethan looked down and realized his abs were showing "Curses!" He Exclaimed as he quickly picked his royal shirt and covered his torso. "My eternal apologies..." He Said awkwardly "The Kids were never supposed to see that...", "No harm done, just a mistake" Replied the King, "Did i say something wrong?" Asked James, "Don't worry" Said Roland "You didn't know... how did i not notice that all those past nights?...", "That does baffel me..." Replied Ethan "How could you not? there're huge!". Both the King and Queen laughed out loud "Oh son!" Laughed Miranda, "Jealous oh wise Leader?" Ethan Smirked. Everyone finally began to calm down, "Quite a bit" Smiled Roland, only for him to start laughing again. "Okay... i'm good" Sighed the King, "We'll let you relax now". As everyone left the room, Sofia stayed behind to chat with Ethan, she pulled him into a massive embrace "I'm so glad you didn't leave the kingdom" She Smiled happily "I was so worried", Ethan just sat there thinking of what to say "I-I'm glad to" He Replied "I refused to leave because it would of proved pointless to go in search of my- i mean OUR father, as he is most likely... sorry nothing" He Added sounding sad. Sofia put her little hand on his cheek "I know" She Sighed "I know", "So you know what i feel... good, someone i can relate to" Ethan Smiled "It is just... difficult to get used to my new life here at the castle". "It's ok" Said Sofia "We're all gonna help you through it, after all you're Debut Ball is tomorrow!", "Ah finally!" Smiled Ethan "I can't wait to meet everyone and finally make myself known throughout the land!". Sofia was concerned, he was extreamly nervous about his Debut Ball days ago, but now all of a sudden he was excited? "I thought you wern't looking forward to the ball..." She Frowned. "Oh... of course" Ethan Replied "But i'm feeling much more calm now, besides i'm looking forward to the big family waltz of ours", "Oh, ok! i'll let you have your rest now... big brother" Sofia giggled. She kissed him on the cheek and skipped away happily, Ethan Chuckled darkly "LITTLE DO YOU KNOW... YOUR BIG BROTHER IS NO MORE, YOU SHOULD PANIC, CHILD... FOR MY ARMY GROWS STRONGER BY THE MINUTE. NOW THAT THE BOY HAS BEEN TAKEN CARE OF, I CAN FINALLY CONTINUE PLANNING THE VERY SCHEME I HAD SOUGHT AEONS AGO. BOTH THE ENTIRE EVER REALM AND UNIVERSE SHALL SCREAM MY NAME, FOR I WIELD THE VERY POWER TO TEAR THIS WORLD APART!"

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