Epilogue: Part 1

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After a few long moments of total darkness, gasps and sobbing, a bright light slowly faded in and there standing before everyone... was Walter; standing at around twice the height of the average manm looming over everything in sight. He breathed heavily and looked around franticly, "It's over... the boy's done it!" he smiled happily. Then, another bright light slowly began to fad in, and there, standing before everyone else, were the Fairytale Princes, "Haha! We knew he was the chosen one!" smiled Prince Philip. "Chernabog has been stopped!" smiled the Beast, "Finally!" Walter waved his hands and the magical shield barrier lowered within milliseconds. The Princes looked to their Master's right, and saw a horrifying sight, "Master?" Prince Charming gasped, "Look to your right." Walter did just that, and saw the horrible sight, "Oh no..." he frowned. There, lying motionless... was Ethan's corpse. Everyone in the room raced over to their fallen hero, "My boy..." Miranda gasped softly, she subsequently collapsed to her knees and burst into a sob-filled mess, not a single face in the entire room wasn't tear filled, but Sofia was crying hardest of all. "My big brother..." she cried, "Please, don't leave me again... I love you!" she collapsed to the floor to join her mother. "He's... dead" said a tearful Roland. "Chernabog took his life away... they killed each other" frowned Prince Charming, he then walked up to the Royal family of Enchancia "I am... so sorry for your loss, Your Majesties." he frowned. "We're ALL sorry," Prince Eric added. "We never thought it would come to this..." frowned Prince Naveen, "That such a young and fearless young man, who still had an entire lifetime of joy ahead of him... would lose his own life saving his people". "If only there was something we could do," Cinderella said tearfuly as she hugged her husband tightly. There was a long silence, "Well..." Walter said faintly, "There is... something I can try, but I can't fully guarantee the success". "What could you possibly do?" asked King Roland, "Who even are you?". "There is no time to explain," came the reply, "But I WILL explain to you... that I have the ability to enter and leave the Afterlife at will, unlike yourselves. That is, uh, where your boy is located... I'll need to return there, locate his soul, and guide it back to the land of the living". "Y-You can actually do that?" asked King Garrick. "Indeed," Walter replied, "Now, time to prevent this teenager from meeting his end". "Please... save my baby boy" sobbed Miranda. "Save my brother, Mr...." sobbed Sofia, "We can't lose him again!" Walter peered down towards the young Princess. "Like I said before: I can't guarantee this procedure will a complete success, little one," Walter frowned, "But I will do all that I can to ensure your big brother remains alive," and with that, Walter slowly walked over to Ethan's lifeless body, kneeled down and put his hand on Ethan's forehead. He then began to focus hard. He grunted and groaned under his breath as a bright, white light surounded him. Eventually, his body glowed so brightly that everyone had to look away, Walter finally dissapeared in the flash, leaving the others filled with worry. "I just hope he's okay," whimpered Sofia. "I hope so, too, sweetie," her mother tearfuly responded, and she moved closer to her youngest daughter and hugged her tightly. Amber, James and their father then came over with and joined them in a massive group hug, worried out of their minds for the newest member of the family.

"What the hell... Where am I? Am I still alive?" was all that could be said as the Ultimate Prince slowly opened his blood-shot eyes. He was lying on a flat surface and facing up towards the cloudy sky, "What... happend?" He slowly got to his feet and observed his surroundings, "Oh, fuck... my head..." he groaned weakly. "Ethan..." came a voice, he quickly turned 90 degrees and saw a sight that made him settle a little. "Walt!" he smiled before racing over, "Your plan worked. Chernabog's dead, we've won!". "That we have," Walt said looking down, Ethan however was concerned, "You don't seem happy," Ethan replied, "Come on, why the long face?". Walt looked away, "Just... personal matters", "Oh, come now," Ethan said in a deep and firm voice, "Sharing your problems with others will help them understand, then they can try and help you, you know that". "Of course," Walt said softly, "It's just... difficult for me to explain". "It's alright, take your time" Ethan replied kindly. Walt took a deep breath, "Very well," he said softly, but then he added, "On second thought, I don't think you're ready...". "W-What do you mean 'ready'?" Ethan asked suspiciously, "Don't you trust me?". "What I could tell you, right here, right now, is simply far to much for your brain to take in, especially in your current state". Ethan shrugged it off, "Alright, forget I asked". "Now then," smiled Walt, "Come, let's walk." Both he and Ethan began walking slowly into seemingly nothingness, untill multiple small buildings began fading in from their left and right, growing larger and larger as they drew close. "Where are we?" Ethan asked. "Where do you think?" Walt responded. "Well," Ethan replied, observing his surroundings once more, "It... looks like... Dunwiddie Village, only... everything's white... and without all the people". Walt looked at him, "Dunwiddie, is that right?" Walter asked, " Well, in actuality, are lying within... the Spirit Realm". Ethan's heart almost stopped entirely for the second time, "Oh, screw my life, anywhere but here!", "Shhhhhh... calm yourself," Walt soothed, "There is just the two of us, nothing else resides here", "Thank... the Lord" Ethan sighed, trying to calm down. "The only thing is... the Spirit Realm, is, in reality, the Afterlife", "Wait a minute, what!?" Ethan asked, shocked out of his mind. "Easy" Walt gently raised his hands upwards slightly, "Allow me to explain: The reason it's refered to as the 'Spirit Realm', and so on, is so it wouldn't frighten the other humans". "Wait... you mean?" Ethan enquired. "Yes," Walt replied sadly, "You, Your Highness, are dead." Ethan felt as if he'd been stabbed in the chest, "I'm... dead?". "I wish it wasn't the reality, but it is," Walt frowned. "The exact same as day as... the day you lost your father". "So, you mean I died the day the entire Hellish part of my life began? PLEASE..." Ethan snarked. "I'm serious," Walt frowned, "The only way of entering the Afterlife is through death itself, it was the only way you could be taken in by the Spirits of the Ever Realm. To be looked after, and trained for the future. Years of which, have certainly payed off". "I died at only my seventh year... a young, innocent child... who had SO MUCH more to live for..." Ethan said quietly trying to hold back the tears. Walt felt bad for the traumitized teen and he opened his arms wide,  he said softly. Ethan immediately wrapped his arms around Disney's towering figure and began sobbing quietly, "Why... has my life... been nothing but torment?" he asked, sounding almost broken, "Shhhh... easy. I think you've been through quite enough," Walt soothed as he gently rubbed the Prince's back, "But all of that is now a part of the past, a time which is now no longer existing. No one can hurt you any more, you are safe now. But remember, you were resurrected after your trainning was completed, as if that part of your life never happened in the first place." Ethan slowly began drying his face, "I know. That's... w-why I'm trying to mend my life, and bring my family back together". "Bring your family back together?" Walt asked, raising an eyebrow, "I think they already are: King Roland II is a perfect father figure for you and your sister, and has been for the past 2 years now. That should be all the evidence someone like you'll need". "I understand that now," Ethan said sadly, "I've been a total arsehole to him, a KING no less, when he was just trying to offer me a newer, BETTER life. Free of charge, may I add... I hate myself". "Using words like that is both pointless and negatively degrading. Please stop combining them," Walt sighed, "I'll put it to you simply: You were stressed out and angered well beyond the limit of the human mind, almost anyone would have acted like that had they gone through the same experience you've had". "I know, you're right," sighed Ethan, "Still, an apology is needed... in actuality, this time". "That's good, boy," Walt smiled, but then he went quiet for a moment.

"Oh, no," he gasped, "I forgot to tell you... you're dead; meaning you don't have long untill you're forever trapped here!", "What!?" Ethan Gasped "Then what the HELL are we waiting for!? Get a move on!", "Of course, but listen" Walter Said in his most serious tone "You must locate an open glowing door, you must go through that door and you will be brought back to life-" but just then Walter began to dissapear "Curses... remember what i told you boy: Find the portal, or it's the end for you!" Walter finally dissapeared. "With pleasure" Ethan Said cracking his knuckles, and so he began racing through the ghostly silent village in search of his only escape, "My family need me" He Thought to himself "My people need me, The Ever Realm needs me".


The God of Magic reappeared before everyone's eyes "I have done all i can, it's up to himself now", "How does he get out?" Asked Cedric, "There is a secret portal to the land of the living hidden somewhere within. He must locate it, and enter - allowing him to cheat death itself". "Please" Sobbed Miranda "Come back..." Walter kneeled down beside her and her sobbing daughter "You both lost him once, you will NOT lose him again" He assured them, "Please Ethan... come back to us..." Sobbed Sofia, eveyone was begging for their hero to find his way back.


"God damn it, where is it!" Ethan shouted in rage, "I swear if I get stuck here till the end of time... I'll never forgive myself." The Ultimate Prince ran as fast as humanly possible and looked around franticly, "Must get... out of here," he gasped restlessly. Just then, he saw something glowing brightly, much more than his surroundings. "That must be it!" he thought. When he arrived, he noticed a familier sight, "The door window's shape, it looks like... home!" it was his old home, the old shoe store. "This has to be it... the portal back to the Ever Realm" Ethan Decleared "Now, to cheat death once more", "Wait, son!" something called in masculine, tenor voice. He turned around only to see a group of heavenly, ghostly figures. Ethan was stunned, "D-Do I... know you?" he asked, "You do, darling," smiled a female, "We are those who worked hard to raise you through, what could possibly be, the darkest era of your life". "You lot..." he gasped, and he quickly went over and hugged the female spirit of Avalor. "Your leader... is done for," he said softly, "I... put an end to him, for good". "We know," replied the spirit of Avalor, "None of us liked him either, we're sort of glad you did". "Nice Job!" smiled the female spirit of Albuquerque, "Good riddance" frowned the male spirit of Wei-Ling. "An absolute disgrace to our kind!" agreed the male spirit of Freezenburg. "Side notes aside, we want to congratulate you, Ethan," smiled the spirit of Avalor, "Thanks to you, the Ever Realm is both a brighter and safer place thanks to the death of the evil Chernabog". "I never knew I had it in me," Ethan admitted, "To be the only one who could perform such a momentous task... I always thought that I was just a simple village child, destined for an average life. But I saw my true potential thanks to you and... Walt..." He quickly snapped himself out of his word themed trance. "Ummm... one last hug?" Ethan asked innocently. "I was hoping you'd say that," the spirit of Avalor smiled emotionally. The other 7 members joined her and Ethan in one final embrace for good luck, and parted after around half a minute. "That's the funny, yet beautiful thing about our differences," smirked the spirit of Albuquerque, "We'll always be taller than you. Therefore, you'll always be like a child to us". "The last time we checked, my skill with weaponry matches yours, auntie," Ethan smirked in return. "Well, I guess a friendly duel such as that will never happen, given current circumstances," the spirit of  Albuquerque said smugly. "Oh, don't you start..." Ethan said, sounding annoyed. He facepalmed as everyone else began to laugh loudly. "Well, I must be going," Ethan chuckled, "Time to 'rise from the dead', and all!". All spirits followed him closely from behind, before making eye contact one lat time, "Goodbye... Ethan - the Ultimate Prince," smiled the spirit of Avalor, "And good luck... in your future". "Everyone, I truely thank you," Ethan smiled, a single tear running down his cheek, "For everything." The spirit of Avalor gave him one final kiss on the forehead, "We'll always be with you, till your final breath." He turned around, held his breath... and the Ultimate Prince slowly walked into the light.

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