"Coordinate with Donovan with the men you send out to minimize the confusion and ensure that the places you guys are searching do not overlap." Akari told Delan. "Send word to me and Rin's parents if you find out anything about Rin's whereabouts. Anything at all."

"Of course." Delan agreed.

Once Akari walked out of Delan's home, Akari and Dean split up the list and headed out on their own. They agreed to meet thee hours later at Cafe Winter. What Akari did not tell Dean was that her gut was telling her that something went terribly wrong.

Akari took a look at Donovan's list and began searching for Rin at each establishment. There was a list of five businesses. Two of them were restaurants, one of them was a bookstore, and the last one was a bar. Akari quickly went to the restaurants first and received the same answer that none of them saw Rin last night and have not seen him there for at least a month.

When she went to the bookstore, there was only an elderly man working at the counter and there were no one else inside. The elderly man had a hunch back and wore a button up shirt that looked like it had been washed thoroughly throughout the years that the color that it once was had washed out and now it was a light worn out grey. He wore brown suspenders and black slacks. His wrinkly face held round glasses and thin lips that perpetually frowned.

When Akari opened the door, the bell that hung above the door rang. The old man looked up from the pile of books he just received and his frown deepened when he saw Akari.

"Is there something that I can help you with, young lady?" The old man said as he pushed his thick glasses up to look at Akari. His eyes squinted at Akari before relaxing.

"Yes." Akari said as she walked up to the old man. "I am a friend of Rin Noboru."

"Ah, yes, Lord Rin. Yes. I remember him." The old man said as he nodded his head.

"Have you seen him since yesterday?" Akari asked.

"Why do you ask?" The old man questioned.

"His parents, Duke Obara and Duchess Riho has not seen him since yesterday and they are worried. They asked me to help find him and I was told from his good friend Donovan that Rin like to come to this bookstore a lot. So I was wondering if you have seen him yesterday or today."

The old man looked at Akari for some time before answering her.

"How come I've never seen you around before?" The old man asked as if he was wary of Akari's intentions.

"I don't go out that much." Akari answered him. "And besides, I have not lived here for the past five years."

"Who did you say you were?" The old man asked.

"I haven't introduced myself to you yet." Akari told him as she took a deep breath to control her impatience. "My name is Akari Ayame. Daughter to Duke Jona and Duchess Emi."

The old man paused for some time before his eyes sharpened. It was as if he finally realized who she was.

"Ah, I remember now." The old man sighed heavily as he clapped his hand together. "I heard that you are the genius child of Duke Jona and Duchess Emi. The one who was tested and held four abilities. You have been gone the last five years for your mage training, isn't that right?"

"Yes, sir." Akari answered as she held in her impatience. She smiled at the old man, but the smile didn't reach her eyes.

"I've heard that you just gotten married to your Mage Teacher, is that correct?"

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