Twenty One

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Castiel was still laying on the bed sobbing into the pillow thinking of Dean. There was a knock on the door

"Leave me alone please!" He cried
The knocking got louder and faster
"Okay I'm coming!" Castiel shouted picking up a tissue and wiping his eyes. He unlocked the door and stared in disbelief. He went to slam the door shut but Dean held it, Castiel kept trying to close the door but Dean was stronger than him.
"Whatever Dean. You win." Castiel sighed. He slumped down on his bed and sniffed. Dean sat next to him and smiled, and looked down at his feet.
"I . Uh- brought you some stuff." Dean said awkwardly. He handed Castiel the sunflowers, the bee plushy and the puppy plushy. Castiel smiled
"Thanks Dean." He said, refusing to look at his face.
"I brought Dumbo. I thought maybe you'd want to watch it with me? I always refuse to watch it, this is the only exception." Dean consoled waving it in Castiel's face. Castiel grabbed it and put it in the DVD player, he grabbed the controller and sat back down. There was an awkward silence and Dean stared at Castiel, he really loved him but he wasn't sure if Castiel feels the same anymore.
"Castiel?" He said
"Y-Yes?" He stammered nervously
"Do you still love me?" Dean asked, Castiel sighed
"Of course I do but right now I'm not so sure." Castiel replied, sighing. Dean paused the film and the stared at each other for a moment.
"I didn't mean anything I said earlier. You know how I get when I'm mad." Dean said, nervously
"Well I'm sorry for that you understand why my family don't like me." Castiel sighed, looking away from Dean wiping his eyes. Dean sighed and played the film, he shuffled away from Castiel and tried to contain his anger, once again. There was an awkward silence for a few minutes, Castiel couldn't concentrate on the film. He stood up and ran for the bathroom, locking the door and sobbing on the floor. Dean sighed and turned off the film, he knocked on the bathroom door.

"Need a hug?" Dean asked, Castiel unlocked the door and walked towards Dean.
"I'm guessing that's a yes." Dean chuckled, he spread his arms out and Castiel wrapped his arms around him, he started sobbing again, Dean kissed the top of his head
"I'm sorry Dean, my life is so hard." Castiel cried
"I know. And we're going to work on that." Dean said
"Don't make me go anywhere near my family again." Castiel wept
"I won't. I promised." Dean reassured. They embraced for a while longer when Castiel gently pushed Dean away
"Let's watch Dumbo." Castiel smiled
"Your eyes are so red." Dean said cupping his face and looking into his eyes, Castiel kissed him quickly
"I'm okay now Dean. Don't worry." Castiel beamed
"Well. Now I know how to cheer you up." Dean said happily, patting Castiel on the shoulder.

They sat back down and put the film on, though Dean couldn't concentrate, he was staring at his boyfriends beautiful amazing face. He was precious and pure, he had an innocent soul and he was so kind, oblivious and hilarious without even realising and that's what made him the best.
"Cas. I have something to give you." Dean choked out.
"Okay." Castiel said suspiciously, Dean pulled something out of his pocket, two rings.
"Castiel I would like to promise myself to you, with these rings." Dean smiled, he was sweating. He had no clue what he was going to say.
"Of course Dean!" Castiel exclaimed happily, Dean passed him one gently. Castiel examine them, there were engraved angel wings.
"Angel wings." Castiel smiled nodding his head
"You are going to heaven Castiel, and you are pure and special and you are free to fly." Dean said, holding his hand.
"I love you so much Dean." Castiel smiled, he jumped on him, hugging him in excitement.
"You may be small but you are damn heavy." Dean laughed, struggling.
"So. Shall we go back to our dorm?" Dean asked
"Sure." Castiel smiled, Dean picked up all the stuff and they left.

They sat in the car together
"Believe it or not, I missed this car." Castiel said, happily
"You weren't gone for that long Cas. Maybe half an hour." Dean laughed, Castiel smiled and they started making their way to the university.

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