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Dean and Cas sat in the impala, Dean was getting rageful as he was stuck in traffic.
"Dean?" Castiel said
"Yes?" Dean replied, slightly irritated by the beeping of car horns around him
"Now that we're together. Could I hear your story?" He asked, with an angelic smile on his face. Dean thought about it for a second.
"Sure. But you have to tell me about yours after" Dean insisted

"My mum died when I was at a young age, she saw there was a fire in my little brothers room, she went to save him and she saved Sammy. But she died. Ever since my dad drunk every minute of the day and we moved almost every month due to my dad getting fired. Sam was all I ever had, me and Sam we went through so much together, we had to make our own meals and decorate our own Christmas tree, make our own money and many more things a child shouldn't do themselves, it was a sad life. Me and Sammy decided we wanted to go to university. I got a place here, Sammy got a place in Stanford. In Sam's first year his girlfriend Jess got in a fire, just like my mum and she died to. Guess you could just say my life is crap. What about you?" Dean said, he sniffed and he teared up a bit.

"Well, my father is a priest. He is a very strict Christian. I have 5 siblings. I did have 6 but one of them got brutally murdered. I have Raphael, Michael, Lucifer, Anna, Gabriel, Uriel and then me, the youngest. Uriel was the one who got murdered, at a young age we were like partners in crime, the best friends you would always want, yet as we grew up grew apart and so the arguing began, when I was 16 he got killed. I'm closest to Gabriel now, he gave me more confidence than I ever had, if it wasn't for him maybe I'd have had a heart attack from my awkwardness. Michael and Lucifer never stop fighting, Lucifer had such a massive tantrum once, he pretty much started a family war." Castiel laughed. Tears were welling up in his eyes.

"Are you sure that's all, Cas?"

"My father, he abused me verbally. Sometimes I suppose he caused my anxiety and depression. Whenever I misplaced something or did something wrong he told me god would punish me and send me to hell, he called me bad words and he told me I turned out pathetic and miserable and I was and I was a disgrace to the family. My brother Raphael beat me, he would punch me and cut me sometimes, he would hit me round the head with bricks and maybe other things. You could say he was my dads favourite, I was the one who didn't believe as much as everyone else. I've never had a happy life."

Castiel started sobbing, Dean stared at Cas, he never knew how broken Castiel really was.
"Hey, Hey it's okay." Dean said resting his hand on Castiel's leg
"You're with me now, and as long as I'm here you're safe"
There was a long moment of silence, Dean reached into the side of his seat and pulled out a disk, he put it into his radio

Here comes the sun
Here comes the sun, and I say
It's all right
Little darling, it's been a long cold lonely winter
Little darling, it feels like years since it's been here
Here comes the sun
Here comes the sun, and I say
It's all right

Castiel calmed a bit and hummed along to the song, tears still streaming out of his eyes

"How about you spend Christmas with me?" Dean offered, he knew Cas was still going to be tormented and hurt if he went back
"I would love to Dean but I'm not so sure..." Castiel sighed
"Please Cas." Dean pleaded
"Uhh- Okay I guess..." Castiel said, smiling at Dean

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