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Castiel woke up to the alarm ringing loudly in his ear, he jumped and pushed Dean's arm off of him, he rubbed his forehead and smiled, he went up to Dean's ear
"DEAN!" He yelled, Dean sat up and flung his arms around
"What the hell Cas." Dean growled, grabbing onto his ear
"It's Christmas" Castiel smiled. Dean stood up and opened the door
"Sammy come downstairs" Dean grunted, tiredly. Castiel ran down the stairs with 2 presents in his hands. He sat on the sofa and waited for Sam and Dean to find their presents. They came down the stairs yawning and the put the presents on the coffee table. Dean got out his phone and saw the picture of him and Castiel
"Sammy what the hell is this?" He asked irritated
"You and Castiel asleep" Sam giggled. Dean put on his Christmas playlist and secretly saved the picture Sam had send him.

They exchanged presents and opened them. Sam laughed
"Seriously Dean, a Metallica album and a checkered shirt" Sam laughed. Sam never really liked Dean's music but Dean always tried to get him into it. He loved the checkered shirt though. Castiel gently opened his present from Dean, it was small but precious. It was a small chain necklace with angel wings attached to it, Castiel smiled and hugged Dean tightly. Sam got Castiel a book with art inside
"Thanks Sam" Castiel smiled, flicking through the pages, Cas always had an appreciation for art. He thought it was beautiful. Sam got Dean a bottle of his favourite beer and a new jumper.
"I knew Cas stole your jumper" Sam giggled, Dean thanked Sam and went to open Castiel's present. He gently unwrapped it

"Dude, a book?" He said, Castiel knee he hated books
"Open it" Castiel smiled. Dean opened the book, it had pictures in it. Picture they took together or pictures Castiel secretly took of Dean and pictures of Cas from the snowball fight they had. All the precious memories they've had together. A smile formed on Dean's face
"I love it Cas." He smiled, he teared up a little. He never knew how important these memories were to him. Sam looked at the book and smiled. Dean daydreamed about all the moments when his dad came barging through the door.

"Hey dad." Dean grumbled, faking a smile. There was no answer, John Winchester just stomped up the stairs and closed the door to his bedroom. Sam and Dean looked at each other and then down at the floor. Dean sighed and shook his head.
"Are you okay?" Castiel asked them both. He sighed and kneeled down, hugging Dean.
"How about we watch Elf?" Castiel smiled at Sam. He nodded and they went to sit on the sofa. Castiel was happy to have Dean and Sam, they were the greatest friends he ever had.

Hours later there was a knock on the door, Dean went to open it and there was a present laying on the door step.
"Hello?" He called out into the darkness. There was no answer so he shrugged his shoulders and brought it in, closing the door.
"To Castiel, From Gabriel." Dean read out
"Son of a bitch" he thought rolling his eyes
"Who is Gabriel?" Sam asked Castiel
"My brother" Castiel sighed. Dean gave Castiel the box. Cas opened it, there was a picture frame. It was a photo of him and Gabriel as young teenagers in the snow. Castiel had a beanie on and a scarf and his beloved tan trench coat, his nose was red which showed subtle freckles. Gabriel was wearing a woolly Christmas jumper, in the photo he was cross eyed and he gave Castiel bunny ears. This was Castiel's favourite picture of them, Gabriel insisted on keeping it. There was a card that Castiel opened.

"Dear my little pumpkin, Cassie.
I'm sorry for what I have done, I will never forgive myself. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas.
Gabriel :)"
Tears started streaming down Castiel's face. Family meant everything to him, he regretted what he said to his brother but he couldn't face him after everything that had gone on.

"Hey, Cas. What is it?" Dean asked, putting his arm around Castiel
"I feel so terrible" Castiel sobbed, Dean held the necklace in his hand and put it around Castiel's neck. Castiel smiled at Dean whilst he wiped away his tears.
"Let's go to bed Cas" Dean smiled
"Dean...can you stay with me tonight. I'm not particularly in a good mood." He sighed, Dean nodded and they went to sleep.

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