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Castiel started dressing himself when he thought about what his father said last night
"Gabriel told me exactly what's going on with you" echoed in his head. He felt betrayed, broken. The only sibling he had ever felt close to sold him out, and now he was destined for perdition. He sighed and carried on getting changed and brushing his teeth. He then washed his face and looked up, opening his eyes after drying his face. In the mirror he saw himself with jet black eyes and messy hair, blood splatters on his cheeks, his reflection was in hell
"This is the real you Castiel. Face it"
Cas shook his head and it was gone, it was just him, shocked. He went pale and left the bathroom, shivering

"Dean I just saw what I'm destined for in the mirror, I-I had black eyes and-" Castiel shivered
"Cas, no. You're just overreacting. You have done nothing wrong" Dean interrupted
"Gabriel was the one who told father." Castiel cried, staring at his feet.
"Son of a bitch" Dean growled
"Before we go to your home, I would like to see my brother at his apartment, and I want you to stay in the car." Cas requested
"Sure." Dean replied. They walked outside together and sat in the car. Castiel looked in the wing mirror and pulled it inwards.
"Hey Cas! I need that. Do you want us to die." Dean shouted
"Sorry Dean." Castiel apologised, pushing it back out. Dean could see Castiel was nervous for this encounter with his brother
"Let's put on Christmas music shall we?"
Castiel nodded
Snow is fallin'
All around me
Children playin'
Having fun
It's the season
Love and understanding
Merry Christmas everyone

When Dean found the apartment blocks Castiel opened the door, slammed it shut and stomping up the steps. Luckily, Gabriel's apartment was only on the second floor. He stormed up the stairs and banged on Gabriel's door. Gabriel opened the door, and without being welcomed in Castiel barged past him

"Close the door." Castiel demanded. Gabriel cautiously shut the door. Cas crabbed Gabriel by the shirt and smashed him into the wall
"I gave up everything for you, and this is what you give me in return!" Castiel bellowed
"Let me explain-" Gabriel started
"THERE IS NOTHING TO EXPLAIN!" Castiel yelled, Gabriel closed his eyes and tilted his head backwards a little
"You told father." Castiel growled
"You betrayed me, and now I'm destined for perdition." he roared. Gabriel felt fear towards his sweet, precious little brother for the first time. He had never seen Castiel so fired up.

"I'm so sorry, Cassie. It just slipped out of me. Father asked how you were doing and it just came out!" Gabriel explained
"You're full of crap Gabriel!" Castiel raved. Cas let go of Gabriel and stepped back
"You were the one person I ever trusted from a young age, and you sold me out. I'll never look at you the same. You know of my irrational yet massive fear of father" Castiel cried, pulling his hair in stress, Gabriel teared up a little. He never realised how much he loved his young brother until now. Precious memories he shared with Cas flashed before his eyes.

"How could I do this?" Gabriel thought
"Father will hurt Cassie"
Castiel opened the door
"Wait!" Gabriel said, grabbing Castiel's sleeve.
"Remember, I love you little brother. I'm so sorry." Gabriel cried
"I'm afraid I can't say the same to you, Gabriel." Cas sighed, closing the door. He ran for it, tears streaming down his face, people staring at him as he sobbed pushing the doors by the reception open and sitting outside on the cold stone tiled ground.

Days in Heavenحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن