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Dean and Amber sat outside, motionless and silent. They watched Castiel's cold body being pulled out of the room with a white blanket over the top.
"I can't believe this." Amber cried, stuttering, she hugged Dean and sobbed on his shoulder.
Dean felt paralysed, emotionless, empty. His world went black and white, and it stopped spinning, his world just died right in front of his eyes. He saw the once blue colour and sparkle drain from his eyes, he saw his chest rise and fall for the last time and he saw his last little smile and tear. He couldn't process was just happened. His world's heart stopped beating, his world's colour drained, his world's body stopped and went stiff and cold. Sam kneeled down next to him, he was crying.
"What a long day." He sobbed. Silence. Dean sat silently staring into the room where his world took his last breath. He stood up and walked to the men's bathroom.

He picked up a vase and looked at it. He threw it at a mirror.
"Why did you take him god!" He yelled, crying.
"We did nothing to deserve this you dick!" He screamed, punching a mirror and smashing it. His knuckles were gushing with scarlet blood, but he couldn't care less. His heart just got ripped out and he couldn't feel anymore. He fell into a deep hole of depression, one that nobody could escape. He screamed and shouted and swore until he thought
"Would Castiel he happy about this?" He thought and realised this would actually scare Castiel. He left the bathroom and walked towards Sam.
"Your hand-" Sam started
"Leave it. We're going home." Dean sighed, he took Amber's hand and they walked to the impala, Amber sat where Castiel would usually sit. Dean couldn't stop thinking about him, he put in the Beatles album and cried
"This was Castiel's favourite band you know." He sniffed
"I want to listen to this everyday then." Amber said, staring out of the window.
"I hope he has fun up in heaven." Amber sniffed.
"He will." Dean smiled.

5 years later

Dean was 32 years old and Amber was 15. They were happier thought they never let Castiel escape their minds, they still mourned him but they knew Castiel would be happy wherever he is, and they knew his personal heaven was with Dean and Amber.

Dean sat alone in his record shop, he was playing with a pencil when a bright light filled the room, Dean fell off his chair and slid backwards, covering his eyes, when the light when gone he moved his arm away.
"What the hell." He said. Castiel stood in front of him, smiling.
"What the-" Dean started
"It's me Dean." Castiel smiled
"W-What." He stammered. Castiel stood with his arms out, Dean ran and hugged him tightly.
"What the hell is going on." Dean asked, tears of happiness escaping from his eyes
"I'm an angel." Castiel said, proudly. A pair of black wings emerged from behind his back
"I always told you you'd go to heaven." Dean smiled
"For years I always asked the angels if I could visit, they said no. They told me when I was okay with being alone I could see you. And here I am." He smiled
"I must be really drunk." Dean laughed, looking behind him at the beer bottles.
"This is real Dean. And I'm sorry I had to show myself, I missed you. But I'll have to be going." He smiled
"I'll see you in another life, Dean Winchester." Castiel said, waving


Dean Winchester was walking through the shop, buying food for him and his brother Sam as his father was never there. He walked around the corner of an aisle and ran into a boy around the same age as him. Though he was quite short
"Apologies!" The boy panicked, diving to the floor scrambling for the food he made Dean drop.
"It's okay. I'm Dean Winchester." He said, smiling
"I'm Castiel Novak." He said awkwardly
"You seem awfully familiar, do I know you?" Dean asked
"I don't know, but I'm almost certain we have met before..." Castiel said confused
"Oh well, I'll have to be going. In case I want to contact you again what's your phone number?" Dean asked pulling his phone out of his pocket. Castiel and Dean's eyes met, they looked at each other like confused puppies. Castiel's eyes seemed so familiar, his scent and the trench coat. He could have sworn he had seen it all before. They smiled at each other
"Castiel..." Dean sniffed
"Dean." Castiel cried.
They embraced.


I hope you enjoyed my story :)

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