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Cas opened his eyes, what happened went in a blur. He barely remember what happened. All he knew was that he was in a lot of pain, he started crying a bit and looked in the mirror, his nose and lip was bleeding and he had bruises all over his face, his ears were ringing and his leg was stinging. Castiel looked at his phone, he had been out for around 15 minutes, Dean had messaged him about 50 times worried where he was. He opened the door, covered his face with his arm and ran to the dorms, he opened the door and ran straight into Dean's arms, hugging him tightly. Sobbing.

"Hey, What's up Cas?" Dean asked, worried.
"Dean, my body hurts all over." He cried. Dean rubbed his back with one hand and placed his other hand on his head.
"It's okay Cas, I'm here now, I love you" Dean consoled
"What happened?" Dean asked, concerned
"Some guy, he beat me up in the bathroom after my art class" he wailed. Dean let go of Cas and cupped his face with his hands
"Son of a bitch" Dean muttered
"I'm going to kill that asshole!" Dean raged. Cas sniffed and sat on his bed, he lay back and cried a little more

"Why do you care so much Dean? Nobody else does so why do you?" Castiel asked, upset. Dean sat on the floor next to Cas's bed. He held his hand
"Because I know the real you. You're kind, beautiful, adorable, loving, sensitive. And that's everything that I love about you Cas. Nobody else likes you, so what?" Dean said, Castiel smiled
"What did I ever do to deserve Dean Winchester, god?" Castiel thought. Dean took his phone out of his pocket and handed it to Castiel.
"Music?" He asked, smiling
"Of course" Castiel agreed. Just as Castiel was about to pick a song there was a loud knock on the door.

"I'll get that" Dean said, walking towards the door and opening it
"Who the hell-" Dean started
"Gabriel?" Cas interrupted, standing up
"Cassie!" He shouted. Castiel hugged Gabriel
"I missed you" Castiel smiled, Gabriel ruffled his hair and broke the hug.
"Dean this is my brother, Gabriel" Castiel said, smiling at Dean.
Dean smiled and waved a little
"Hey what's that on your face Cassie?" Gabriel asked, worried
"Someone beat me up..." Castiel replied, awkwardly looking at the ground.
"What's that in your hair?" Dean asked pointing at the back of Castiel's head. Cas touched his head and pulled his hand away, there was green goo all over the back of his head. Gabriel sniggered, trying to hold his laughter in. Castiel turned to his brother and frowned
"This shows I have been parted from you for too a while. This was once predictable" Castiel hissed, rolling his eyes, Dean laughed and out his arm around Castiel's shoulders. Castiel shook his arm off and whispered
"No" to Dean.

"You guys seem close." Gabriel said, suspiciously
"Yes he's my boy-" Dean said
"BESTFRIEND!" Castiel interrupted, shouting
"Sure." Gabriel laughed
"Tell me the truth, Castiel." Gabriel said.
"Okay. He's my significant other." Castiel sighed
"Please don't tell father" he cried
"I promise I won't, I know what father does to you" Gabriel said, smiling, Gabriel opened the door and stood in the door frame.

"I have to get going I have a mission to go on which is, shopping!" Gabriel shouted as he walked out of the door and closed it behind him, waving. Dean laughed
"He seems funny" Dean said, putting his arm around Castiel.
"Once you get to know him yes. I guess" Castiel sighed. Dean chuckled and kissed him on the cheek

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