Twenty Seven

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About half an hour later Sam and Amber rushed into the bathroom
"It's time!" Sam yelled, excited.
"Are you okay now?" Dean asked, gently with his arm around Castiel.
"Yes." He smiled, he kissed Dean quickly.
"Okay Cas, you wait out here and come in when the doors open." Sam smiled, Castiel thanked him.

Dean stood at the front of the hall again, it was the Sam though some of the seats were filled. Castiel's father and his 5 siblings and father sat at the front. Sam stood next to Dean, smiling at everyone. Dean looked around for his father but there was no sign of him. He sighed, but he didn't let his fathers absence get in the way of his wedding. A head poked around the corner of the door and walked down the aisle towards a seat. It was John Winchester and Samuel, Sam and Dean's grandfather. Dena smiled happily, he never thought his father would attend but he did. The music turned on and the door opened, Castiel stood talking to Amber. He looked up and jumped, he held Amber's hand and they walked down the aisle. He took a deep breath and his legs started going weak.

When he stood next to Dean he fell, but Dena caught him and held him up.
"I'm scared Dean." Castiel whispered
"Me too."
The priest started talking but Castiel and Dean weren't listening, they were nervous and they were sweating bullets, holding onto each other for dear life.
"Your vows?" The priest said, Dean pulled up Castiel and held his hand tightly, staring into his bright blue eyes.
"Castiel Novak, I've only known you for 2 years but t has felt like forever. When I first saw you I did think you were a pathetic nerd." He chuckled, Castiel frowned at him
"But now I see you're not. You're much more than that. You're sensitive, pure, kind, funny and you don't even notice it. You are awesome and I love you for that. Don't ever change, I might just have to get Sam to run me over with my baby"
Some people laughed, and Gabriel got a tissue out of his pocket and dabbed his eyes, he was so proud of his baby brother.
"Castiel?" The priest asked
"Dean Winchester. I didn't really know what to say but I just wrote the first thing that came I mind. You found me when I was my most vulnerable and broken, and you picked up all my pieces and put them back together. Sometimes I would crumble but you would always be there to pick me up. You were nice and believe it or not, sometimes funny. You introduced me to good music and most importantly, you taught me how to love." He smiled, the guests sat quietly and sniffed, tearing up. A tear fell from Dean's eyes. He looked at his little brother and expected to see him laughing, but he was wiping his eyes with his sleeve, he smiled and gave him a thumbs up.
"You May kiss the groom." The priest said, Dean put his arms around Castiel's waist and kissed him, everyone stood up and clapped, Gabriel took his Polaroid camera out of his bag and took a picture, he shook it and it started to show up.

The chairs were pulled out of the hall and slow music started playing.
"Shall we?" Dean giggled
"Okay, but I don't know how to dance." Castiel said nervously
"Neither do I."
Castiel put his hands on Dean's shoulders and Dean put his arms around Castiel's waist, they swayed to the music.
"Not bad Novak." Dean smiled
"What?" He asked
"Your dancing, your vows. Very poetic." He teased
"Stop it Dean."
"I'm joking, your vows were beautiful they brought me to tears."
"Good." Castiel smiled, resting his head on Dean's shoulder.
Sam was holding Amber and they were spinning around the room, giggling and joking like little children. Gabriel and Anna danced together, smiling.
"Care to take my hand, Michael." Lucifer asked, jokingly
"Of course not." Michael said, disgusted
"It's our little brothers wedding. Live a little." Lucifer teased
"Fine." Michael rolled his eyes and they started dancing, though Michael stood as far from Lucifer as possible.

Anthony and John met. They shook hands
"Novak?" John asked
"Yes, Winchester. Make sure your son takes care of mine." Anthony threatened
"He will. My son is very protective" Johan said.

When the night was over Dean and Castiel walked towards the impala, holding hands with Amber twisting and twirling around them, happily.
"I love uncle Sammy, he's so funny." She giggled
"Me too." Dean smiled. They got back to the apartment and fell asleep, carrying on with their lives.

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