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Castiel awoke to the sound of Dean bouncing around the room. Cas rubbed his eyes and sat up, his blanket still covering him

"What are you doing?" Cas yawned. Dean gasped and turned his music off, playing it cool
"Nothing." Dean said. Cas looked at him suspiciously and laughed. Dean went to kiss him on the forehead, he stared into his eyes for a moment

"I never realised how pretty your eyes were Cas." Dean admired. Castiel thanked him and stood up, stretching his back and going to grab his clothes from the wardrobe. He picked out a crimson jumper that Dean gave him once when he was cold, and he also picked out black jeans and his dark blue converse.

"What's the time Dean?" He asked
"11:30?" Dean replied, Castiel gasped and shoved his clothes on, grabbed his bag and ran out of the room. Dean laughed when he closed the door, he was lucky to have Castiel.

Cas ran down the empty halls and ran up 3 flight of stairs, once he got to his class he was wheezing, gasping for air.
(this character is dedicated to my favourite teacher who left a while ago, but I am not going to use his name in this)
"Hello!" The teacher sang when Castiel walked in, Cas smiled at him awkwardly and sat on a chair near the front.
"I am Mr Wilson, your art teacher for the year." He said, loudly
"And how are you young boy?" He said pointing at Castiel. He shrugged his shoulders and looked down. Mr Wilson looked at his folder
"I hope you enjoy this class, Castiel." He said, smiling. Cas looked up and nodded. He handed out a picture of Luke Skywalker form Star Wars
"Why Star Wars?" Castiel thought, rolling his eyes.

"I would like you to draw or paint this picture in your own style, you can use any materials you want. You have the whole double lesson" Mr Wilson shouted, trying to get the attention of other students.
Castiel opened his back pack and pulled out some charcoal pencils, he started drawing his face very carefully, with his tongue slightly poking out of his mouth. Castiel usually made this expression when he is concentrating. Mr Wilson pulled a chair from an empty desk and sat opposite Castiel.

"Why are you so quiet...Castiel isn't it?" He asked. Castiel nodded and carried on sketching.
"Uhh- I think your jumper is on inside out..." Mr Wilson said laughing a little, Castiel looked at his jumper and went a little red. Mr Wilson looked at the label
"Dean Winchester" he read out, his head tilting to the side.
"I-I'm sorry. C-Could I go out and change it quickly?" Castiel stuttered
"Of course" he replied. Castiel ran out of the room, he took off the jumper and turned it over, putting it back on. He walked back in looking at the ground, Mr Wilson was still sat as his desk.
Castiel sat down.

"So what exactly are you and Dean. I've seen you two hang around, you seem quite close" Mr Wilson said
"H-He's my roommate. Maybe I accidentally took his jumper" he stammered, talking to teachers was always hard for Castiel.
"You're a nice young man Castiel. I hope Dean doesn't rub off on you." Mr Wilson said, standing up and walking down the classroom singing. Once the lesson was about to end Castiel finished his drawing of Luke Skywalker. He looked around the room looking at the other amazing pieces of art stuck on the walls, it was what made this room special, papier-mâché masks hanging from the ceiling, oil paintings and drawings and water colours of landscapes and night skies. One that caught his eye was a painting of a small lady and her son running through a field.

"Are you admiring my student's work, Castiel!" Mr Wilson shouted, walking to him and looking at his drawing.
"That's fantastic!" He said
"You know what, I want that on my wall." Mr Wilson said, grabbing some blu-tack and sticking it to his wall.
"Perfect" he muttered. Castiel smiled, he turned a little red, people could now see his art on the wall, his name was in bold letters
"Castiel Novak." Mr Wilson said, nodding. The bell was ringing, Castiel grabbed his phone and earphones out of his bag. He put one earphone in his ear and left the other hanging. He secretly listened to Girls Just Wanna Have Fun, he didn't want Dean to judge his true music taste. He picked up his bag, swung it round his shoulder and walked down the stairs, he looked at his hands. They were covered in black smudge from his drawing. He went to the bathroom to was his hands, as he shook his hands to dry them, a boy walked in

"Hey!" He bellowed at Cas. He looked up and it was like time was moving in slow motion. It was the guy from the party that he ran into.
"You don't know what you did to me!" He yelled, grabbing the jumper and slightly lifting him up.
"My girlfriend hates me! I got beer all over me you bitch!" He screamed, his spit flying into Cas's face.

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