Twenty Five

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When Dean and Castiel we're dressed and clean they sat down with Amber.
"Now that you're ours, we need to shop for stuff." Dean rolled his eyes, he picked up the keys off of the counter and they all walked down to the impala.

"Choose an album." Dean said, passing them to Amber who was sat at the back. She looked through them and picked one out, she passed it back to Dean.
"Welcome to the Black Parade." Dean nodded his head
"Good choice."
He put the DVD in and turned up the volume.

"When I was a young boy
My father took me into the city
To see a marching band"

"Dean this depressing." Castiel moaned
"You have to wait for after the slow bit Cas. Patience is a virtue." Dean said, rolling his eyes. When the slow part was over Dean and Amber were rocking around in their seats dancing, Castiel covered his ears and shouted
Dean was laughing at Cas as he watched his worried face
"MY EARDRUMS ARE GOING TO EXPLODE!" He yelled, he went to turn down the volume and took his hands off his ears, he elbowed Dean in the side and crossed his arms, pouting.
"Live a little Cas." Dean laughed

This was the happiest Amber had ever felt. She didn't know these men that well but they were funny and kind, she liked them a lot. She smiled truly, and she had never done that before. She was taken away from her parents by social services. They abused her and starved her, they put her through a deep depression at a young age and it was still there. It was going to take her a while to get the horrifying images and words out of her head but it was going to happen, she knew it.

"We're here." Dean announced, interrupting Amber's train of thought. She jumped out of the car and waited for Dean and Castiel. They stood on the path and waited for the road to clear, Amber held Castiel's and Dean's hand. They looked at each other and smiled.
"The lady at the orphanage told me to always hold an adults hand when crossing a road." She explained, smiling. They crossed the road and reached the town.
"So what do we need to buy?" Dean asked
"Clothes, MEDICINE." Amber enunciated, staring down Castiel, he laughed nervously, Dean looked at Castiel confused
"Stuff for my room and books." She smiled. They walked towards a clothes shop
"Okay last night we were looking for medicine because she felt ill." Castiel whispered, Dean laughed.

They were looking around the clothes shop, Dean was already bored but Castiel was slightly amused as Amber ran around the store, twisting and turning. She touched the sleeve of a dark grey denim jacket with soft sleeves.
"I like this." She said, pulling it off the clothes hanger, she threw it in the basket and went on finding more stuff.

A few hours later

Dean, Cas and Amber sat in the impala silent, listening to music.
"Today was really fun." Amber said, breaking the ice
"I enjoyed it too." Castiel smiled
"Yeah. Me too." Dean grumbled sarcastically, Dean turned down a road that wasn't the way to their apartment.
"Where are you going Dean?" Castiel asked, confused
"To see Sammy, I haven't seen him in a year and I miss him." Dean said
"Who is Sammy?" Amber asked, worried
"My brother, your uncle." Dean smiled
"Is Sammy nice?"
"Sam is one of the best guys you'll ever meet, don't worry." Dean reassured. Sam lived quite far away from the city and it was getting dark.
"I'm tired Castiel." Amber yawned
"Me too, you can sleep now if you want." Castiel said, pulling a blanket out from under the seat and passing it to her, she smiled and pulled it over her and fell asleep.

11:47 pm

"Amber, wake up" Dean tapped her on the shoulder
"What?" She yawned
"We're here."
Amber stepped out of the car and trudged tiredly to the door with Dean and Castiel. Dean rung the door bell about a thousand times until
"Okay! Be patient!"
Sam opened the door
"Dean and Cas, what an amazing surprise!" He exclaimed, hugging them both
"And you are their daughter..." Sam smiled at her
"Amber." She said happily, Sam held out his arms and Amber jumped into them. He held Amber and tickled her, making her laugh. He put her down
"So are you guys happy about the engagement?" Sam asked
"I'm so happy." Castiel exclaimed, he showed Sam the ring and smiled
"Wow Dean, who knew you had such good taste." Sam laughed, patting him on the shoulder
"So when is the wedding?"
"In about 3 months." Dean smiled
"Wow that's earlier than most people, I am the best man right?" Sam hinted
"Of course." Dean laughed. They walked into the house and sat in the sofa.
"What film do you want to watch Amber?" Sam asked
"I've don't know many." She said, shyly
"Back To The Future!" Dean screamed, grabbing the remote, Amber jumped
"Hey are you okay?" Castiel asked
"Yes he just scared me" Amber laughed

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