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Castiel awoke in his small single bed once again, to the sound of his phone ringing, his eyes were half open
00:34. Cas wondered why someone would be calling him at this hour of the day.
"Hello" Cas yawned
"Castiel." A stern voice replied. Castiel's eyes widened, he pulled his phone away from his ear. He never checked who was calling him. It was his father
"Oh- um. Hello father" Castiel stammered, now he was wide awake. There was a moment of silence.
"What is going on with you and your roommate, son." He demanded
"N-Nothing" Castiel stuttered
"You're full of crap Castiel. Gabriel told me exactly what's going on with you, God will punish you for your sins. You are bound to go to hell!" His father bellowed. These words echoed in Castiel's head
"I want you away from Winchester as soon as possible." He insisted. Castiel hung up and ran into the bathroom, slamming the door.

Cas kneeled on the floor with his hands together
"Please father god, I'm begging you don't punish me or send me to perdition. I know I have done many spiteful and foolish things in my lifetime, but I'm begging you, don't let him hurt Dean Winchester. Amen." Castiel cried
Dean was outside of the door listened to Castiel praying. Dean let a single tear fall from his eye
"I never knew how hard life was for him." Dean thought. He knocked on the door, frightening Cas.
"Open up Cas." Dean said, worn out. Castiel took a deep breath and unlocked the door, he walked out to see drained Dean.

"I'm sorry if I awoke you Dean. I had a phone call" Castiel sniffed
"What the hell were you talking about in there Cas, and what is perdition?" Dean asked, anxiously.
"Perdition is a terrible place. It is a state of eternal punishment and damnation where you travel once you die." Castiel shivered
"My father swears I am going to go there once I have passed" Castiel cried
"No Cas, you are going to heaven." Dean said, cupping his face
"You're going to get beautiful wings and a halo, that shines brighter than any other angel because you are pure and special. You are my angel" Dean said, smiling. Castiel cried a little bit, not in sadness. In gratefulness and happiness.

"Thank you Dean..." Castiel sniffed. Dean hugged Cas, and he melted into his embrace.
"How long until Christmas, Dean?" Castiel asked
"Two days" Dean answered
"That's why we are leaving at 8, which is in 7 hours so we should get some sleep." Dean said, stretching his back and sitting on his bed
"You're right. We should sleep." Cas chimed in. Castiel fell asleep, and he dreamt about him and Dean as angels in heaven, together forever.

"I just want you for my own
More than you could ever know
Make my wish come true
All I want for Christmas
Is you
You, baby" Dean sung, obnoxiously loud. It was so loud that he woke Castiel, who was confused. He smiled and took out his phone, videoing him secretly, he bounced around on his bed dancing along with Dean when he sat forward a little too much, falling off his bed. Dean gasped and scrambled to turn off his phone, Castiel sat up laughing so much that nothing came out. He started wheezing and he picked up his phone and stopped recording.

"What the hell Cas" Dean growled, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. Castiel chuckled and grabbed an ugly Christmas jumper out of his bag, handing it to Dean.
"I got this for you a few days ago." Castiel said
"Can you wear it Dean. Please?" Castiel pleaded with puppy eyes. Dean grimaced, he picked it up with his hands holding it away from his face
"Is this a joke?" Dean asked, disgusted. Castiel tilted his head in confusion
"I think it's a great jumper." Castiel said, confused. Dean laughed and put it on over his shirt
"Thanks Cas, I love it..." Dean said, trying to hide his disgust.
Cas grabbed some clothes out of his bag and headed to the bathroom
"Seriously. This again? We're together now Cas." Dean laughed
"For your information, I still like my privacy, Dean." Castiel said before closing the door

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