Twenty Four

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Castiel was running around the apartment like a headless chicken, Dean sat up and rubbed his eyes.
"DEAN!" Castiel yelled, shoving his head in a draw throwing stuff out looking for something
"Woah, calm down." Dean said, startled
"I can't find my ID card thingy!" He yelled, worried
"Pft. Big deal, they should know who you are by now you are the best doctor there." Dean chuckled
"That is not how it works!" Castiel shouted, irritated
"Calm down, it's in here." Dean said, pulling open Castiel's bedside table drawer.
"Thank you Dean!" He shouted in excitement, grabbing it and running into the kitchen, Dean followed confused.
"Why are you in such a rush?" He asked
"I've been called in early." Castiel shoved a pop tart in his mouth and opened the door
"Hey wait right there!" Dean said. Castiel rolled his eyes and Dean kissed him on the cheek.
"I'm not going to try when your mouth is stuffed with pop tarts." Dean laughed, Castiel had crumbs cascading down his shirt
"Bye Dean." Castiel said, though his voice was muffled, he opened the door and ran out. Dean laughed and looked at his watch.
"Son of a bitch!" He shouted
"I'm late!"

Dean grabbed the keys out of his pocket and unlocked the door to his shop. He walked in and took a deep breath, he sat at his chair and put his feet on the desk and played music, waiting for customers. A few minutes later a small girl walked in, cautiously. Dean took his feet off the desk and smiled
"Hey." He said. The girl jumped and smiled back at him. She had chestnut brown hair that were in plaits, she wore a grey top and a green plaid shirt over the top and black jeans and red converse. She had bright green eyes and a little button nose with freckles sprinkled all over her face.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." The girl nodded her head and walked around looking at the records and CDs.
"So, what are you doing here alone?" Dean asked, curious. The girl looked around 8 years old.
"Mummy and Daddy are at work." She stuttered quietly
"How did you get here?" Dean questioned
"I walked."
"You walked? You walked across the main road alone?" He said, baffled
"Yes. It was scary." She giggled a little
"Okay well, when you're done here shall I drop you off at home?" Dean offered
"Uhh- no." She said, worried
"Why not?"
"Fine. I live in the orphanage, I got out I couldn't be in there anymore. It's horrible!" She cried
"Oh, I'm sorry. What are you going to do then?" Dean asked
"Well, I thought I'd either get taken in or I'd live on the street." She said, tearing up. Dean stood up from his chair and walked towards his, he knelt down to her height
"You can't do that, that's dangerous. How about you spend the night at my house?" Dean offered, smiling.
"Yes please." She smiled
"Okay well, that means you have to stay here at my store until I have to close it. Are you okay with that?" Dean asked
"That's great." She said, excited. There was an awkward silence, Dean started dancing a little. Soon they were both running around the store, dancing and doing air guitars. A man opened the door and they stopped in their tracks, the man looked horrified and he walked in cautiously
"Pretend we weren't doing anything." Dean whispered to her, she stood up straight with her hands behind her back and smiled at the man.

A few hours later Castiel came into the store
"Cas!" Dean smiled, he stood up and hugged him
"How's it been?" Castiel asked
"It's been super quiet, only two people have come in today." Dean said smiling
"That's unlike this place." Castiel shrugged his shoulders
"This is Amber." Dean said, putting his hands on her shoulders, Amber smiled and waved
"This is my fiancé, Castiel." Dean introduced, Castiel waved at her and smiled warmly. Dean pulled Castiel aside
"She's an orphan, she escaped and I offered to let her sleep out our place and the maybe tomorrow we could send her back." Dean whispered
"I'm not sure Dean." Castiel sighed
"Come on Cas. You want the kid to be happy, you never were." Dean pleaded him until he accepted and they closed up the store

Dean, Castiel and Amber got into the impala and drove back to the apartment. They opened the door and Amber cautiously walked in
"So Amber, you'll probably be sleeping in our tiny guest room which is there and the bathroom is right there and our bedroom is right next to yours." Dean said, pointing at all the rooms. She nodded her head and sat on the sofa.
"Isn't it bedtime, it's 10?" Dean asked sitting next to her
"Well my bed is 8 but I always stay awake for a long time drawing and reading" She said
"Okay." Dean nodded his head, he picked up a notepad and crayons and pencils and a book and handed them to her.
"Me and Cas are going to go to sleep because we are very tired." Dean said, patting her knee. He stood up and put his hand on Castiel's back, they walked to their bedroom and got into their pyjamas.
"Dean I don't think this is a good idea." Castiel confessed
"Come on Cas, she's a child and this is only for tonight. Just let her stay." Dean pleaded
"Fine." Castiel said reluctantly. They turned off the lights and fell asleep.

1:25 am

Castiel woke up to a tap on the shoulder
"Stop Dean." He mumbled, angrily and tired
"Castiel, I feel sick."
He sat up and turned on the light on his bedside table, it was Amber
"Oh- are you okay?" Castiel asked tiredly, rubbing his eyes
"Do you have any medicine?" She asked, sniffing
"Are you crying?" Castiel asked
"I don't like feeling sick." She cried
"It's okay, I don't either. Let's go and find you something." Castiel smiled, he stood up and dragged his feet along the floor, he opened the cupboard and saw loads of different medicine bottles.
"Um, how old are you?"
"I'm nine." She sniffed
"Okay, we have calpol?" He said, pulling it out of the cupboard
"I love that stuff." She smiled, coughing a bit. Castiel read the back of the bottle trying to find some instructions on how much a child should take. He took the syringe and gave it to her, she filled it up with the medicine and pushed it into her mouth.
"Thank you." She smiled, she hugged him. Castiel was a little startled but he lent down and hugged her back.
"Can you sit with me until I sleep?" She asked, opening the door to the small bedroom.
"Of course." Castiel stammered, she lay in her bed and pulled the covers over her tiny body
"Sleep well Amber."
Castiel yawned and rested his head on the bed.


Dean woke up, confused. Castiel wasn't next to him, he assumed he went to the shop as Saturday's were his day off. He stammered into the room tiredly
"W-" Dean started, he saw Castiel asleep with Amber. He chuckled a little and took out his phone and took a picture, he tapped Amber on the shoulder
"Do you want to help me make breakfast?" He whispered
"Yes!" Amber squealed quietly. Amber walked out of the room towards the kitchen, he picked up Castiel and gently placed him on top of the bed
"You're going to get a bad back." Dean whispered in his ear.

Castiel woke up a few minutes later to the smell of pancakes, he stood up and walked into the kitchen. Dean and Amber were making pancakes together, Amber stood on her toes trying to reach the pan. Castiel smiled
"Good morning." He said, flopping on the sofa.
"Castiel!" Amber said happily, she ran and jumped on him, Castiel giggled. At first he didn't trust Amber but now he realise she was just a lonely, broken child just like he was. And that made him feel happy, he loved Amber, she was like his child.
"I need to talk to Dean." He smiled, she climbed off him
"I really like Amber, can we keep her?" Castiel pleaded
"I would really like to but that would kind of be kidnapping." Dean whispered
"Not if we have her consent."
"Ask her then." Dean said, flipping the pancakes, Castiel sat next to her
"Me and Dean have talked, we'd like to adopt you." Castiel confessed, Amber squealed and hugged him
"Yes!" She shouted, excited. Dean smiled and took his phone out of his pocket, he sent the picture to Sam and messaged him
"Sammy you're an uncle" he put his phone away and out the pancakes on plates
"Breakfast!" Dean announced, dramatically
"Yay!" Castiel and Amber yelled in unison. They all sat at the table and ate their breakfast.

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