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"That was great Anna. Thank you." Castiel smiled.
"Thank you brother. Hopefully we'll see you around more." She said
Castiel went to put on his trench coat
"Lucifer?" Castiel said confused
"That would be me." He said
"Well sorry Lucifer but I would have to be going." Castiel rushed, nudging Dean telling him to hurry up. Lucifer walked away
"I'm ready." Dean sighed. Castiel ran to the car
"Open it Dean! I need to get away!" He shouted jumping up and down. Dean opened the door and before Castiel could get in Gabriel ran out
"Wait!" He shouted grabbing Castiel by the shoulder.
"I'm so sorry Cassie." He cried, Castiel stood silently and frowned at him
"You know I have trouble keeping secrets, I always have! But it wasn't so bad today right?" He asked holding his little brother by the shoulders
"I guess not..." Castiel pondered
"Forgive me brother!" Gabriel pleaded
"Fine. But you know nothing will be the same." Castiel grunted
"Yay!" Gabriel shouted, hugging Castiel and patting him on the back.
"Bye Gabe." Castiel sighed climbing into the car.

Dean sat silently driving.
"Will you be mad if I put music on?" Dean asked, giggling. Castiel rolled his eyes and pressed play.
"This was the song I was playing earlier before I got rudely interrupted!" Dean joked. Castiel sat silently staring out of the window

"Because I'm bad, I'm bad come on
You know I'm bad, I'm bad come on, you know
You know I'm bad, I'm bad come on, you know!" Dean was singing obnoxiously loud.

Castiel clicked 'off' on the radio and sighed.
"Come on!" Dean yelled angrily slapping the steering wheel. Castiel frowned and clenched his fists
"What up with you?" Dean asked, irritated. Castiel stayed silent, breathing heavily.
"The dinner is over!" Dean snapped. Nothing again.
"Quit being a dick Cas! I've had to deal with you all week and you carry on to be like this. Yay me!" He yelled again.
"Stop here." Castiel said.
"Why?" Dean asked, shouting, confused
"JUST STOP!" Castiel yelled. Dean pushed the break and Castiel got out of the car and slammed the door, he started walking towards a motel. Dean was speechless, he didn't understand what he had done wrong, he got out of the car and ran after him shouting. They stood in the reception

"What are you doing!" Dean yelled
"You've been giving me hell all week Dean! Give me a break, you know how much my family dislikes me and you forced me to go and it was hell. And you're still yelling at me. I just want to be a way from you!" Castiel roared. Everyone around them went quiet and stared. Dean tried to contain his anger, clenching his fists.
"Screw off Cas. I understand why they don't like you." Dean said disappointed, walking angrily back to the car and opening the door, driving away. Castiel stood speechless
"I-I need a room." He stuttered, tears welling up in his eyes, him and Dean never had arguments or fights. He got the key to the room and ran up the stairs, as usual he struggled to open the door, he had never properly been taught how to unlock doors and he ran in, locking the door behind him.

He sat on his bed and put his hands on the sides of his head and bawled. He knew he was being difficult but he never knew how much it impacted Dean. He took his phone out of his pocket, his lock screen was a picture he took of Dean laughing and covered in snow, the day of their first kiss. He frowned and changed it to a picture of dumbo. He always loved that film. He wondered how long it would be before him and Dean would see each other again. He lay down as his vision blurred, his tears were still falling down his cheeks.

Dean opened the door to the dorm and locked it. He stood for a moment and sighed, he clenched his fists trying not to break anything. He grabbed a glass off of the coffee table and threw it at the door, it smashed into pieces
"Why am I such a bitch!" He roared. Someone knocked on the door
"Go away!" He yelled
"It's Mr Cortese. What's wrong?" He asked, concerned. Dean reluctantly opened the door and he stepped in.
"What happened to that glass?" He asked, confused
"I threw it." Dean growled. Sitting on his bed looking at his phone, his lockscreen was a picture of Castiel eating an ice cream, he had it all over his face and he was smiling. Dean usually found that gross but with Castiel it was quite cute. He put his phone back in his pocket.
"What happened?" Mr Cortese asked.
"I'm just a bit angry..." Dean said, trying to hold back his rage.
"Where's Castiel?"
"I don't know." Dean said, his eyes started watering.
"Look Dean. I know you two have something going on and I think that's really beautiful" he consoled, kneeling down in the floor.
"Did you have an argument or something?" He asked
"Yes. He was being a dick so I told him to screw off and that I understand why his family don't like him and he was shouting at me and ignoring me. I couldn't deal with him." Dean muttered
"Maybe you should apologise to him" Mr Cortese said
"No, he should be the one apologising to me. And anyway, he wouldn't want to see me any time soon." He sighed
"What are his favourite things?"
"He loves sunflowers, bees, puppy's and the film Dumbo." Dean said
"So buy him some sunflowers, buy him a bee plushy and a puppy one too, and bring the Dumbo film with you so you can watch it together!" Mr Cortese exclaimed
"I can't, he'll just slam the door shut as soon as he sees me!" Dean worried
"You only love once. Go for it." Mr Cortese consoled, he opened the door and left. Dean picked up the dumbo DVD and his car keys and ran to the impala.

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