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2 months later Dean and Castiel where back at university. Castiel was enjoying Art but barely improving public speaking. Dean convinced him to do the assembly about child abuse and bullying, the assembly was the next day and he was sweating with fear.

"Dean I'm going to mess it all up!" Castiel worried, wiping his forehead with the back of his hand quivering with terror.
"Castiel Novak. How many times have I told you. You are just nervous, you will do amazing if you put to your mind to it. And if you're having any trouble remember to pretend that I'm the only person in the room." Dean consoled. Castiel nodded his head and took deep breaths. Dean hugged him and sat on his bed.
"It's late Cas. I think you'll need to get some rest." Dean smiled, Castiel nodded his head and lay in his bed, Dean turned off the lights and kissed his forehead and sat on his bed. Castiel shivered in fear
"Why did I sign up to this?" Castiel thought. Dean felt Castiel quivering

Hey Jude,
Don't make it bad
Take a sad song
And make it better

Dean sung gently. Castiel stopped and smiled, he fell asleep to the sweet sound of Dean singing.

The sound of ringing startled Castiel, making him spring out of bed. He looked at the clock and frowned, he picked it up and threw it at the wall

"That's what you get for dragging me out of my slumber. Assbutt." He growled. Dean sat up from his bed and rubbed his eyes, he saw the alarm clock lying on the floor.
"What?" Dean yawned, exhausted. Castiel looked at his feet and went red.
"Maybe I threw it..." he announced guiltily, biting his nails
"Dammit Cas. What's going to wake me up now?" Dean groaned, getting up and picking the clock from the floor
"Maybe an explosion?" Castiel said. Dean laughed, Castiel stayed content.
"Oh you weren't kidding?" Dean asked, baffled. Castiel frowned at Dean then shrugged his shoulders. Cas remembered that he had to present the assembly in just one hour, he fell to the ground on his knees and sat wobbling around a little. Dean knelt down beside him

"Hey. Cas! Are you okay?" Dean worried, but all Castiel could hear was the buzzing sound of Dean's voice.
"I-I can't do this Dean" Castiel stammered breathlessly
"Sorry buddy but it's a little too late to step out now." Dean said, patting his back
"Do it with me Dean. Please." Castiel begged
"This would be a great experience for you, one day I might not be around you know. I love you and just me being there will give you enough confidence, and when you have done this I'll never convince you to do anything like it again" Dean consoled
"Suck it in" Castiel thought, he took a deep breath and nodded his head.
"Why don't you go and get ready" Dean smiled.

Castiel got dressed, brushed his teeth and his hair and had a shower. The assembly was in twenty minutes and his mind was jumbled with thousands of thoughts. He stood and looked at himself in the mirror, he started saying his lines and imagining a hall full of people around him. He was confident now. This was rare for Castiel. A while later Dean knocked on the door

"Maybe you should make your way to the hall Cas" Dean said. Castiel unliked the door and stood.
"Could I have a good luck hug Dean?" Castiel asked. Dean embraces him tightly and held him by the shoulders
"You're going to do amazing" he said. They walked out of the dorm room, hand in hand. The hallways were unusually empty

"Novak. I have been looking everywhere for you!" His public speaking teacher announced, irritated. Castiel quickly let go of Dean's hand
"Sorry Miss." he said
"Are you ready for your assembly. This would do great for your grades you know." She said. Castiel nodded and the three of them walked awkwardly towards the hall. Castiel stood on the stage and looked at the hundreds of chairs filling the room. Dean and his teacher sat at the front row.

"Read your lines Novak." The teacher shouted looking down at the script.
"My name is Castiel N-Novak and this is my assembly about C-Child Abuse and Bullying." Cas stammered. His teacher looked up and pulled his reading glasses down
"Are you nervous Novak?" She asked
"N-No!" Castiel stuttered
"Try again." She chimed in
"I love you" Dean mouthed, Castiel smiled and took a deep breath.

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