Twenty Six

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Three months later - June 27th

Dean stood at the front of the hall, surrounded by chairs and sunflowers. He took a deep breath as Sam tucked a small sunflower in his pocket with its head sticking out. Dean looked around the room nervously, waiting for the guests to arrive.
"Is my brother nervous?" Sam asked, laughing
"Shut up." Dean replied

Castiel sat in another room with Amber. He was panting, breathing heavily, rapidly looking around the room.
"I think I'm having a panic attack." He wheezed through his blocked throat.
"Calm down Castiel, I've heard this is supposed to be the best part of your life." She laughed, hugging him. Castiel fiddled with his ring, twisting it around his finger and pulling it up and down.
"I'm having second thoughts." He stammered
"Why. Because you're scared."
"Yes! This is terrifying!" He yelled, sweating bullets
"Trust me, as soon as you see Dean's face you'll be calm." She consoled, passing him a sunflower
"Yeah and then I'll turn and see my dads face." He shivered
"He can't be that bad."
"He abused me, Amber. I don't know if you understand but he's terrifying." Castiel blurted, Amber's eyes dropped and she looked down at her feet. There was a long pause
"I was hurt too. All the time." She confessed, a tear falling down her cheek.
"Really?" He said, calming down. Finally there was someone who understood his feelings.
"Yes. They would punch me and slap me and kick me, they would call me bad words and they would bruise me all the time." She cried, flopping into Castiel's arms. Anthony walked into the reception and saw Castiel and his daughter.
"Me too, my father used to tell me I was going to hell. He told me I was useless and he cut me and he even kicked me out and sent me to college. It's because I'm a 'sinner' and I should hate myself for that." Castiel scratched the back of his neck and blinked, trying to hold his tears back. Anthony stared in disbelief, he wasn't really that bad. Was he? He stepped back a little and scratched his forehead.
"That's awful." She moped, pouting. Castiel turned his head to the left and saw his father standing with his arms crossed.

"Father." He stuttered, peeling Amber off him and wiping his tears, adjusting his jacket.
"Castiel. I'm sorry old boy." He said, sighing.
"You- What?" Castiel said, astonished
"I'm apologising."
"I'm twenty four father. It could have been nice if it was earlier but it took you twenty four years to apologise!" Castiel yelled loudly, angrily.

Dean and Sam turned towards the big wooden doors and heard the sound of Castiel yelling.
"Twenty four years. How pathetic!" He shouted, Amber sat back in fear.
"I can't believe you. I did everything to get approval and all you could tell me is that you don't want me in your household and that I'm a sinner!" He screamed
"At least I'm apologising!" Anthony yelled back, pushing his son backwards
"Get out Anthony. I don't even want to see your face." Castiel growled
"I apologise and then you throw a tantrum. Mature." He rolled his eyes
"I can't believe you. All you ever did was push me down and cause me pain, and you expect me to accept your apology" Castiel yelled, baffled. Dean opened the doors and ran to Amber and picked her up, he held her to his shoulder and covered her ears.
"It's okay." He whispered, bouncing her up and down.
"I really am sorry, I just hated you. I always blamed your mother's death on you, she died almost straight after you were born." He cried, Castiel stood silently and stared Anthony down. He walked forwards and opened his arms, Castiel stood still and watched his father, he reluctantly gave in and hugged him.
"I don't accept your apology though father." Castiel hissed, he stomped towards the bathroom. Dean put down Amber
"Go and find Uncle Sammy, I need to sort him out." Dean said, he kissed her on the forehead and followed the sound of Castiel's loud footsteps.

He ran into the bathroom and saw Castiel stood at the sink staring at his reflection. His eyes were red, bloodshot and his nose was stuffy and flared, he was shaking violently.
"What the hell happened." Dean growled, approaching him
"My father happened." Castiel hissed, grabbing a few paper towels and blowing his nose
"You scared Amber." Dean said, angrily
"Sorry. But my father scared me Dean. You don't understand what he did to me." Castiel stood angrily right in Dean's face.
"Look, it's our wedding day, let's not argue." Dean said calmly walking backwards away from Castiel before he tried anything. Cas walked towards the walk and sat on the floor with his head on his knees and his hands on his head, tugging his hair. He sobbed and Dean sat next to him, hugging him and consoling him.

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