Twenty Two

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one month later

"Dean! Hurry up!" Castiel shouted, jumping in excitement
"I look like a dick in this costume!" Dean yelled angrily and embarrassed
"It's not a costume Dean, it's a suit" Castiel laughed
"I know but I look like I'm going out trick or treating." Dean moaned
"Don't be silly, we're pretty much matching and you wouldn't want to insult me would you?" Castiel chuckled, teasing him
"Yeah well it's easy when you can pull off anything Cas. I don't dress up a lot you know." Dean growled
"Hurry up! We have to be in the hall by 8:40!" Castiel shouted opening the door to the dorm, about to leave. Dean ran out of the bathroom
"Don't leave without me!" Dean yelled.

Castiel started sprinting down the hallway but Dean caught up in no time. He overtook Castiel and looked behind him and laughed at him, mocking him but then running into a wall. Castiel stopped and started laughing, and then crying he took out his phone and started filming Dean on the floor, Castiel was laughing so much he started wheezing and he fell over.

Dean stood up and rubbed his head
"Yeah there's no way I'm gonna pull you up now. Bitch." Dean grunted like an irritated bear
"D-Dean!" Castiel wheezed, crawling across the floor, tears of laughter rolling down his face.
"No, you're a dick." He hissed, walking down the hallway angrily
"You look like a lumberjack when you walk like that." He sniggered, getting up and running after him.
"Stop making fun of me Castiel. What do you get out of this?" Dean asked, bothered.
"You walking like a lumberjack and a laugh." Castiel giggled
"Screw you." Dean spat

When they reached the hall everyone went silent and stared
"Why is everyone staring at us?" Dean asked, whispering
"Maybe because we came ten minutes late and you wouldn't stop shouting at me and you fell over which was hilarious and you refused to leave the bathroom." Castiel said, thinking out loud, he scanned the room nervously and spotted Gabriel and Anna sat together, he smiled a little. He saw Sam who was waving at them and waved back.

"Excuse me." A teacher said from the stage
"Yes miss." Dean replied
"What do you think you're doing?" She snapped, everyone was staring at Dean and Castiel in disbelief
"Breathing in oxygen and breathing out CO2 what else does it look like." Dean smirked, some people gasped and some giggled
"Get here now Winchester." She sighed, they walked backstage
"You need to put on your robe and hat! We've been waiting for you for ages!" She snapped angrily, waving them in their faces
"Apologies miss." Castiel stammered taking the robe and hat from her hand and put them on.
"Finally we can start." She sighed

She pulled the curtains to the side and walked to the front of the stage
"Welcome to the graduation friends and family." She said loudly, smiling. Castiel took a deep breath
"This is quite scary Dean, everyone is going to stare at me." He worried
"Don't worry Cas, everyone's going to look at me and all the other graduates." Dean reassured
"Just think about your assembly, you did great and this time you don't even need to talk, just walk on the stage, get your diploma and walk off." He consoled
"Thank you Dean." Castiel smiled, kissing Dean on the cheek. Some girls were staring at them in disbelief
"What?" Dean asked, laughing

"Our first graduate of the day is Charlie Bradbury!" The teacher exclaimed
"I've heard of that girl, I've heard she's funny." Castiel smiled

A few minutes later the teacher called" Castiel Novak."
He breathed heavily and walked onto the stage
"Wait is that a bee?" Castiel thought, he looked at it and went to touch it. Anna and Gabriel went red with embarrassment and face palmed
"Castiel pull it together!" Dean whispered shouted, poking his head through a gap the curtains. Castiel shook his head and took his diploma, he looked at it and people started clapping. Tears started welling up in his eyes, he was so glad he had Dean to support him through the 6 months of being there. He went to walk down the stairs to the back of the hall, his foot got caught on the crack of a step and he fell forward on his face and his shoe made a loud unbearable squeaking sound, people started laughing.

Dean sighed and walked out slowly, he grabbed him by the hand and pulled him up.
"Walk to the back and pretend that never happened." He said. Castiel went red with embarrassment and walked quickly to the back of the hall with his hands in his pockets.

"Dean Winchester" the teacher called out, Dean walked into the stage and took his diploma and walked off to the back. Once everyone's name had been called out they went to find their friends and families.

"Dean!" Sam shouted, running towards his brother and hugging him
"Hey Sammy" he laughed, John Winchester stood from his chair and made his way towards his two sons
"Congratulations Dean." He smiled, shaking his hand
"Thanks dad." Dean said happily, he never got approval from his father

"Cassie!" Gabriel shouted across the room, he walked towards him and hugged him
"Well done Castiel. We are proud of you." Anna smiled, shaking his hand
"Yeah. Sure." Castiel said, unsure.
"We need to take pictures." Gabriel insisted taking out his phone
"Cheese!" He smiled, the flash went and he looked at the picture.
"It's a great picture." Castiel observed, he smiled.
"I'll send it to you guys." Gabriel said, he airdropped it to them.

"Smiled boys." John said holding up Sam's Polaroid camera. Dean winked and did bunny ears to Sam who was smiling with his right arm around Dean's shoulder. John gave the small black square to Dean
"Why is it black?" He asked confused
"You have to wait for the picture to show dad." Dean laughed, he shook it and the picture started to show up.
"Dean, you ruined it." Sam said, pouting

After the after party

It was almost midnight, Castiel and Dean sat on the roof of the impala silently
"So now that we're out of school we are you going to do?" Castiel asked, curious
"I guess we start a life together. We but an apartment, get jobs, love and maybe get married and adopt children later on?" Dean blushed, Castiel smiled
"That sounds nice." He sighed happily, laying down staring at the stars, Dean laid down next to him and held his hand. They sat staring at the stars for hours silently fantasising about their futures, they seemed so bright and happy and it was all so close.
"I love you a lot Dean Winchester." Castiel confessed with his hand in his chest
"I love you a lot too, Castiel Novak." Dean replied, smiling.

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