Twenty Eight

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2 years later

Castiel was 26, Dean 27 and Amber was 10. Their lives were going perfectly and Amber was the happiest she had ever been.

Castiel was promoted to the top doctor, he was amazing at his job and everyone adored him.
Dean still owned his record store and nothing has changed about that.
Amber was going to school, her highest grades were in Art and English. He top favourite subjects. Life was amazing and they all loved each other.

Castiel was walking around the hallway of the hospital
"Doctor Novak!" A man called out, running after him.
"Yes David?" He asked
"How do you do it?"
"Do what?" Castiel asked confused
"How did you come here with no experience and get promoted to top doctor in 3 years?"
"I don't know, luck?" Castiel said, he never thought about that. They walked down the stairs and Castiel got into his Mini Cooper that he got last year for his birthday, Dean bought it for him.
"Bye David!" He waved.
He sat in the car and connected his phone to the speaker, he started playing the first song Dean had ever introduced to him. Here Comes The Sun by The Beatles, he felt at peace. He got to the roundabout, a car came skidding and crashed into him and the car went tumbling down the road, crashing into other cars until it reached a halt. Castiel was breathing heavily, his hearing went muffled and his eyesight was going.
"Are you okay sir!" He heard. He was out cold.

Dean was at home with Amber, he was pouting her a cup of tea. His ringer went off and he picked up the phone, it was an unknown number.
"Is this Dean Winchester?"
"Yes, how can I help you?" He said sarcastically
"You have to come to the hospital now. Your husband was involved in a car crash."
"What the hell! I'll be right there." He said, trying to keep calm. He grabbed his car keys
"Leave the tea. Grab anything that will amuse you." Dean demanded, he dialed Sam's number. He answered almost instantly.
"Sam, Castiel is in the hospital, call Gabriel. We'll meet you there." Dean rushed, Amber heard through the thin walls and panicked, she grabbed a small bag and stuffed a book inside and Polaroid pictures. Dean bought her a Polaroid for her 10th birthday as she was so fascinated but her uncle Gabriel's. Dean walked in there and grabbed her hand, they ran to the imapala and jumped in.

They reached the reception
"I need to see my husband Castiel Novak right now!" He yelled, he heard the rush of doctors running and a cart rattling, he turned around and saw his husband, unconscious, bleeding. He ran to the doctors
"Is he okay?" Dean yelled
"We'll need you in the waiting area sir." A doctor replied, calmly.

Castiel's eyes opened a little, he saw the bright lights above him, though they were blurry and then hurt him. He started panicking.
"Castiel calm down." The consoled him
"Cas, I love you!" Dean shouted, stopping and letting the doctors over take him. He stood, broken.

Amber was still stood at the reception, her heart was broken. She could feel the depression that was once deep inside her, spread and erupt, she fell to the ground as she saw her world turn black and white, and storms filled her head and hid the sunshine that once shone inside her. Her heart broke into pieces, she tried to put herself back together but she couldn't take it, she broke down and screamed. Someone who loved her was slipping out of her reach and floating far into the distance.
Her trust was always broken, that's why she refused to call these two men 'dad' but now she regretted it, and she realise he may never hear her voice again.

Dena turned to Amber and ran, he sat on the floor and hugged her tightly.
"It's okay, he'll be okay." Dean consoled
"He'll live, he loves us and he'll fight for us."
These words went into her ears, but didn't process and slipped back out.
"Amber!" Dean yelled, shaking her head. Her limbs started to go limp and her her eyes went dark, she was light headed.
"Amber god dammit!" Dean said, standing up and putting his hands on his head. Amber was taking this injury so hard.
"Look, Castiel is going to live." Dean cried, tears poured out of his eyes. Sam came rushing through the automatic doors with Gabriel, Dean looked at him helplessly and hugged him tightly.
"Amber?" Sam said.
"U-Uncle Sammy" She stuttered, breathlessly
"Yes, yes that's me." He cried, tears dropped from his eyes, he picked her up and hugged her. Gabriel was panicking, the air felt stuffy and his lungs felt like they were giving up. He couldn't bare loosing his little brother, his pure soul and innocence.

A doctor approached them.
"Dean Winchester?" They asked
"What do you want?" He yelled, breathlessly
"Castiel is in surgery. We think he'll survive."
"You think?" Dean asked, worried
"Yes, we don't know for sure."
"You either know or you don't." He was choking on his words.
"Can we see him when he's out of surgery?" Gabriel asked
"Of course." The doctor replied, smiling. The doctor left. Amber was having a panic attack, Sam felt her heart beat rising and he put her down.
"Are you okay?" Sam asked
"My dad is dying." She choked
"No he's not, your dad is being saved." Sam consoled. Amber stood up and stumbled towards Dean, she hugged him.
"I love you daddy." She sniffed, Dean smiled, which he frowned at himself upon but he was officially a dad now. She had never called him dad.
"I love you too Amber." Dean cried

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