Season 5 Part 15: new dicoveries

Start from the beginning

Tessa: *knocks*

Butler: hello there, do you have an appointment with Mr. and Mrs. Zara?

Tessa: No...?

Rachel: We're here to see Mr. and Mrs. Zara because she is her daughter.

Butler: H-how on earth did you find her?! Her parents told me that she was lost!

Tessa: Aren't my parents snobby, rich and jealous people?

Butler: Well...between three of us, I don't even think they lost you, actually they are snobby and rude and their other daughter is just like that too!

Rachel: Other daughter!?

Tessa: I have a sister!?

Butler: Why of course. Tho i see your with pure heart. Is this lady your adoptive mother?

Tessa: N-no my adoptive parents are...

Rachel: At work!

Butler: Well come right in. I'll inform your parents that your here.

Tessa: Oh thank you!

The butler called Mr. and Mrs. Zara and Tessa's sister.
Her sister was the same age as her but they weren't twins.

Mrs. Zara: Why did you call us! I was just watching something!

Isabella: *Tessa's sis* yeah! I was just texting but you ruined everything! Who are these two losers any ways!?

Rachel: Losers?! If I we're you I would take that back. Can't believe your parents approve to speak to me and your SISTER like that!

Mr. and Mrs. Zara: sister!?

Isabella: I had a dam sister this whole time!?

Mr. Zara: Why did you even bring her! She was horrible and still is! Who are you to waltz in here anyway!

Rachel: Excuse you! No wonder people hate you all, your daughter has been suffering in a stupid orphanage for years, and this is how you act to her after 13 years!?

Mrs. Zara: So? Why did you bring her?

Tessa: Oh so we're going there are we. You know what I'm glad that you guys sent me to that 'beautiful' orphanage! Since I was there the whole time i didn't learn how to but an idiot like you three!

Isabella: Ugh! Shut up your screaming too much and my outfit is getting ruined.

Tessa: It was already bad when you brought it!

Rachel: We we're mainly here to ruin you lives and make you all suffer for eternity but it seems that you all are suffering already!

Tessa: Let's go already, I don't want to see these people's faces again.

Rachel and Tessa leave but what's up with Lizzie?

Lizzie: *in the crate* I hear foot steps *shivering in fear*

Joey's POV
*to him self* I can't do it. Lizzie is one of my best friends and I can't betray her. But if I don't do what Jason says he'll kill all of my friends including me. If this crate goes down I'm doomed...Wait a minute. *Looks outside the ship* Stacy and Amy...they live close by. But if I tell them Jason will know either way...I need to push it right in front of their castle. I can't let Lizzie die. If she dies Joel will probably hate me for life and i don't even know what will he do to him self...let's just hope that Stacy or Amy save Lizzie just in time.

Lizzie: *to her self* *sobbing* no no no, the's moving.

Joey: *to him self* she's actually scared, is she crying? I need to tell her.
*writes a note* I'll give this to Lizzie and give her some time till Jason tells me to push it. *shoves the note through the crack*

Lizzie: I-it stoped. Wait what's this, a note?

Dear Lizzie,
You probably know who I am but either way I can't tell you or Jason will kill me. Don't be scared, your not going to die, but I have no other choice but push you down or you, me, Joel and all of our friends will die. The kids are ok, but I never wanted to do this, this is goodbye for now, can't wait to see you back at the surface.
-Love one of your bff's

Lizzie: *to her self* I-I'm going to live! but how?

Jason: *Calls Joey from phone* push the crate NOW!

Joey: Ugh! Fine. *pushes it slowly*

Jason: *faster*

Joey: *pushes down*

Lizzie: Aaaaa!!

Joey: I...I'm sorry...!

Mini Announcement!
I will be uploading 2 times a week, because 2019 is 2 weeks away!

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