How dis even possible!?!?!

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Hello my little Attorneys!!!
WE JUST HIT 2K!!!!!! Y'all are the best for reading my book!!!
If you guys weren't here I wouldn't know what to do!!!
Y'all are just the best!!!!
And also...I haven't been posting for a while, but I will post today! And if any of y'all ask why I haven't been posting it's because I had loads of work and my arms are very tired...but since I am going on vacation (finally) I can write loads of chapter on my way there! Because I will be going through loads of states! And I will have loads of time! Don't worry I can still charge my phone in the car but just in case I'm gonna charge my phone 100% percent to write even loads!!

Challenge/question time!!!

Now when I go on a trip I have to wake up at 3am!?!?! Yes you heard me 3am and you guys might ask "why are you telling this to us Nifty?" Well the reason is I am gonna try to do a challenge and I want a challenge idea! But I don't want to do the ones where you have to call people because I don't like doing that and I don't want my parents asking what the hell am I doing! So y'all can give me suggestions and I will show photos (even tho I know that nothing will happen)

But anyways I love you guys so much and see y'all in the next chapter!!!

Jizzie: Princess Lizzie and Prince JoelWhere stories live. Discover now