Season 2 part 5: time to get reveng!

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Yammy's POV
Greaser has been pranking people for far to long! Now it's time for a little payback! Me, Joey, Lauren Lizzie and Joel are meeting up at my castle today to plan some tricks on him! And you might ask how did I get Joel and Lizzie to team up with us? Well...this is what I did...

(Yammy's plan to get Joel and Lizzie)

Yammy: OMG Joel Lizzie did you hear!

Joel: What?

Yammy: Greaser just spread rumors about you two!

Joel and Lizzie: What!

Still yammy's POV
And that's how I got Lizzie and Joel to team up with me!

Lauren: so what's the plan!?

Lizzie: I have no idea.

Joey: Oh how about let's put some sleeping pills in his food and when he goes to bed, Lauren can draw a mustache on him!

Joel: oh and don't forget to rub onions on his pillow!

(At Lauren's Castle)

(Dinner time)

Lizzie: Lauren, you got the onions the sleeping pills and the markers?
(She talks from a walky talky)

Lauren: oh yes I do! ( puts the pills in his food) ok I did it!

Lizzie: perfect! Now go rub onions on his pillow!

Lauren: but I'm not done eating!

Lizzie: fine!

(After dinner Lauren runs to Greasers bed room)

Lauren: ok I rubbed the onions!

Lizzie: perfect!...

Lauren: wait I hear him!

Greaser: Uhhh....Lauren what are you doing?

Lauren: uhh...nothing!

Greaser: ok...?

(At 1 am)

(Lauren draws the mustache on Greasers face) (yeah imagine if that happened to you lol)

(At school)

Stacy: (giggles) hey Greaser, love the new look!

Greaser: Wait wut?

Amy: Oh hey Greaser I like your new look!

Greaser: what are you 2 talking about!

Stacy: go to the bathroom and you will see.

Greaser: What ever! I wondered are my eyes are burning? (He goes to the bathroom) I don't know what they are even talking about....WHAT THE HECK!!! WHO DID THIS TO ME!!!

Joey: Well...

Joel: Well...

Joel and Joey: well

Joey: next time you should know that to never prank us!

Greaser: Fine. 😒

Joel: and especially Lizzie!

Greaser: Why her?

Joel: you didn't know?

Greaser: know what?

Joey: Joel and Lizzie are together.

Greaser: Oh...umm😐 I've done goofed! (Next up the Q and A at the next chapter!)

Jizzie: Princess Lizzie and Prince JoelWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt