Season 5 part 1: A new member?

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Heyo my little Attorneys! Nifty here! So it's been a loooong time and I haven't been updating! And y'all are probably really bored without Mah book! (Silence) Okay, there are loads of more books on Wattpad but still! Anyways, this is a special chapter! Y'all will love it, (idk how much will you love it but, hey! Who cares! [i care of course and probably you guys too]) enough with the chit chat! Let's get on with the story!!

(At the orphanage)

Tessa's POV
Hi I'm Tessa! I am 12 years old! I am I huge fan of LDShadowlady and SmallishBeans! They are the best! Lizzie and Joel just got married, and I am super happy for them! Unlike some people that make fun of me because I care! There is this mean boy who is just the worst his name is, Zac! For some reason he hates me so much and especially makes fun of me because I watch Lizzie and Joel! I hope I can get out of here one day...

(Lunch time at the orphanage)

Tessa: (in her head) Ugh! I hate this place! I just want to leave...Oh today Joel is updating! I can't wait to watch his new video!

Zac: sup loser!

Tessa: what now...

Zac: *Slams her head on the table*

Everyone: *gasp*

Zac: *gives everyone dirty looks*

Tessa: *sobs*

Zac: what's the matter! Your too week, LOSER! C'MON FREAK!!

Tessa: *takes her phone and runs away in to the janitors closet*

Random kid: (whispers to a friend) yo! That's just low

Other random kid: (whispers to a friend) ikr, that's just messed up!

Zac: *goes after her*
Me: that little bi*ch!

Tessa: *takes her phone out*
Watching Lizzie and Joel's videos always calm me down!

Zac: hey freak!

Tessa: what do you want! You already embarrassed me in front of the whole school now what do you want!

Zac: I'm not even done with you!

Tessa: well can I at least watch my favorite YouTubers/king and queen in peace!

Zac: so you think you are gonna get adopted by them!

Tessa: I like watching them! There's like %0 chance that any of us will get adopted by them! Especially you because you are a bully and you don't care how people feel!

Zac: Uhh! What did you just say! Your the freak/loser of this orphanage all of the teachers hate you every person who came to adopt someone hated you! Your the one who's not going to get adopted!

Tessa: I wouldn't have been here if that crazy, killer didn't kill all of my parents and relatives! NOW FOR ONCE LEAVE ME ALONE!!!

Zac: Give me your phone!

Tessa: no way! This is the only thing that keeps me happy! I'm not letting you take that away from me!

Zac: Fine than! *Punch's her and leaves*
Me: bro! Zac! Chill!

(At the castle)


Joel: what!!

Lizzie: I'm bored!

Joel: really...

Lizzie: yup!

Joel: you have been bored for months, and so am I, but what can we do about it?

Lizzie: 💡 ik!

Joel: what is it?

Lizzie: you better say YES or your dead!

Joel: let me guess, we're gonna prank Oli?

Lizzie: NO!

Joel: well than what is it?!

Lizzie: let's adopt a child!

Joel: wait wut!

Lizzie: what do you think?

Joel: Hmm...I guess it can't be that hard watching a kid! Right?

Lizzie: YES!! We're adopting someone! We're going NOW!

Joel: but I'm in my pajamas!


Joel: Alright!

(After Joel gets dressed)

Joel: I'm done! Lizzie? Where did you go? [his phone buzzes]
Oh a text!

(The text)

L= I'm ready and I'm in the car! GET OVER HERE NOW!!

J= K K!

(End of text)

Alright so I wrote this chapter so you guys can understand what happens and have some theories/ideas for the rest of the series! I will have an update thing! And more new updates! I have kinda improved my writing!
I will update twice a week! I will update Saturday and Sunday! And since I am being homeschooled I will update easier! Schools have started in Turkey I don't need my annoying friends to bother me anymore! I will continue writing at the beginning of October or two days before! But anyways that's all for today I hope you guys enjoyed this episode don't forget to vote and comment and subscribe and I will see my little Attorneys later, bye!

Question time!!!
Who's going to Minecon 2018?
Ik that Yammy is going!

Me: but I can't go because it's at USA Boston, and if a was still living in the USA New York I could of gone to it!

Jizzie: Princess Lizzie and Prince JoelWhere stories live. Discover now