Season 2 episode 20: mash ups of the power ups!

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I just needed a rhyme for for the chapter name XD

Third persons POV
After they defeated Jason they told the school that they were royalty! The school was okay with it because they didn't cause any problems but they had to leave the school and go back to their old school for royals! Joel still had some of Jason's powers but nothing really happened! After that crazy day they all went to The magical kingdom AKA Kelly and Carly's castle! And Joey had a weird idea! As usual.

Joey: hey guys I have an idea!

Lauren: I wonder what's your weird idea?

Joey: what happens when we combine our powers?

Greaser: I mean...the idea is weird but not bad!

Teena: I think we can combine our powers!

Callum: than what are we waiting for let's do it!

Lizzie: so...who's first?

Yammy: I think me Tiffany And Joey should try.

Everyone: okay!

(When Yammy Tiffany and Joey combine their powers I little cat comes out! But not just any little cat, it's NYAN CAT!!!!!)

Oli: oh my god it's so cute!...but not cuter than my panda!

Lizzie: can I have it!?

(The Nyan cat poofs away)

Lizzie: what happened?

Tiffany: I think it eventually goes away.

Lizzie: but I wanted that Nyan cat! Whatever.

Joel: so who's next?

Kelly: Oh! How about Scott and Lauren! I know it's a weird combination but why not!

(Scott and Lauren combine their powers and a Galaxy colored Totoro pops out!)

Everyone: (facepalm)

Callum: how about me and Oli!

(Oli and Callum combine their powers and a panda/wolf pops out and it has a name called the seapeesound! (Okay what ever that I just said was just dumb lol)

Stacy: that's just...creepy!

Oli: well if it has a panda I'm okay with it!

(They all lough)

Amy: how about Stacy and Lizzie!

(Lizzie and Stacy combine their powers but nothing happens! Or did it!)

Joel: I can't see anything...(falls in to the water and gets wet)

(They all laugh)

Lizzie: apparently the water only has its shadow so the water is 50% invisible (Okay since when did Lizzie start to talk like this?) it is official I am a weirdo! But being weird is a part of me and I like it! (AKA please don't let people bully just because you are being your self that's what happened to me because I liked being weird)

Joel: haha very funny! (Sarcastically) can anyone combine their powers to dry me off?

Everyone: Maybe?

Carly: well I don't care if I am wet or not! Amy, let it rip! (She gets wet) that was fun!

Kelly: jumping Jelly beans!
no really, there is jumping jelly beans!

Daniel: Joel how did you did that didn't you?

Joel: Maybe.

Everyone: lol!

Hi people it's ya girl Nifty!
So this is the last chapter of this season! But don't worry I have an up coming season at August 1st! AKA when school starts! Tho it does depend on witch country you live in. But if you guys say... "but Nifty school started it will be hard for you to write story's and stuff!" Well lucky for me at Turkeys Schools starts at like in the middle of September or the end of it! (Idk why) so I have loads of time and even when it is school I can still write it! "Why" you may ask! Well! It because I couldn't go anywhere this summer because my grandpa passed away and I need to wait like 30 or 40 days. Something like that? And so my parents could make it up to me I will go to vacation at the school times so that means waaaayy more stories!
Oh and btw yes I am gonna make videos but at season 3 I will make animations! Because I don't think I will show my face, but maybe my voice! Maybe! But anyways that's all for today
I love you guys so much, and I will see my little Attorneys later, bye!

Question time! What would you do if Lizzie and Joel read my story?! Answers in the comments please!

Jizzie: Princess Lizzie and Prince JoelWhere stories live. Discover now