Season 3 part 6: Lauren and Yammy are gone!?!

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Stacy's POV
We send the royal guards to find Samantha's parents, she is staying at our castle so nothing happens to her!

(When it was 1 am)

Lauren: Oh god! Phew it was just a bad dream!

Yammy: Lauren, you woke me up!

(Lauren and Yammy share rooms)

Lauren: Sorry, I'm just gonna go get some water.

(Lauren goes down to the kitchen and gets water, but than...)

Yammy: Aaaaaaa!!

Lauren: Yammy?! What's wrong!? Uhh...Yammy? Where are you?...AAAAAA!!!

(Time: 10 am)

Lizzie: Good morning Tiffany!

Tiffany: hey Lizzie! Uhh...have you seen Lauren and Yammy? I can't find them anywhere!

Lizzie: no sorry...

Greaser: OMG!! Guys get up now!!!

Everyone: what is it Greaser!?!?!

Greaser: I found this note in Lauren and Yammy's room!

Callum: let me see that! (Reads the note)

Dear reader
As you can see I have kidnaped Lauren and Yammy! Do you think I only kidnaped them! That little girl, she is with you guys, well she has something I want, I kidnaped her parents! So...if she doesn't give me what I want I will kill her parents and your friends! So be careful!

Callum: what the...!

Joel: who is this!?

Carly: Samantha, what do you have that he or she wants?

Samantha: the thing she wants is a secret of mine...

Kelly: so it's a She?

Samantha: yeah...

Lizzie: well...why does she want this secret of yours? Is it that important?

Samantha: it's really important, I even didn't tell my bff!

Tiffany: is this person that powerful?

Samantha: she was my teachers old student, she didn't tell me her name...but she was crazy! She looked like little Carly!

Carly: this person that you mentioned sounds so familiar, but I can't remember her...hmm.

Shubbel: we should call Britney Kyle and Bobby, they might help us.

Joey: K k. I'm calling them right now...

Cliffhanger who is this person? If you are a little Carly fan you might know who is it! But that is all for today, don't forget to vote and comment, I love you guys so much and I will see my little Attorneys later, bye!

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