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4K!?!?!?!?!?!?!? This is oddly weird, my story is crap and we have this much reads? And I will update either today or tomorrow, because I just found out that I got 4K! You guys are like literally the best, and thx to you guys I told my friends from school (old school of course, I visited them today)
And I told them about my book, and especially you guys!! Because you guys are the BEST!! And also here's the weird thing, before I went to visit my school I was watching Lizzie and Joel and I by accidentally left it on YouTube, so a scene of them was there. And than my friends wanted to take a photo so one of them opened my phone said "who the heck are them!?!" She didn't say it in a bad way because she's crazy anyway!
And my bff (the one who's keep spoiling the story) said this "oh that's Lizzie and her husband" and I'm like about to fall, face first!
Me: Girl! That's her fiancé! There gonna get married at 2019 stupid!
Mah stupid friend: ooohh...ok
Me: *facepalm*
At first I always talked about Lizzie, than I told my friend about my obsession, and a month later a stated to obsess over Lizzie and Joel! Also in Turkish it's easier to pronounce Lizzie's name than Joel's for some reason. Ok so I need to know...IS ANYONE LOOSING THEIR MIND BECAUSE ITS TAKING TOO LONG FOR IT TO BE 2019!!! There's only a few months left for 2019! AAAAAAA!!! Am I taking my obsession too far? Maybe! I will be doing something special because we just hit 4K, I'm gonna make 10 things I hate and 10 things I like! But anyways that all for today...I think, I love you guys so much (LITERALLY I AM CRYING TEARS OF JOY RN) don't forget to vote and comment and subscribe and I will see my little Attorneys later, bye!

Question time!!!
What do you think Lizzie and Joel's wedding cake gonna be like? Maybe Minecraft related?

Question 2
Do you guys think they will vlog their wedding like Lauren and Yammy? OMG I HOPE THEY WILL!

Okay I think Lizzie and Joel will be really weirded out by me! Bye!!

Jizzie: Princess Lizzie and Prince JoelWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu