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Hey my little Attorneys (sniff) as you guessed from the tittle I am kinda sick...(sniff) my throat my ear my leg and my head hurts...(cough) so I will try to update and do my best...of course I don't know when can I start to update because I am sooo far away from home...basically I'm in a different city and my home is very far away it's like 6 hours away...ik this might sound less (I think) but I was at a tour and I am gonna go to home tomorrow...I am super tired of walking and stuff, but I promise that I will update around next week, today is Sunday so yeah, (sniff) but that is a for today I love you guys so much don't forget to subscribe vote and comment and I will see my little Attorneys later, bye!

Question time!!! (Cough)

Where are y'all from? (Ya don't have to answer don't worry [sniff])

Jizzie: Princess Lizzie and Prince JoelWhere stories live. Discover now