Season 4 part 17: More help!

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Lizzie's POV
We were going to save Joel and I wasn't gonna stop! Even tho if he turns bad I will do everything to save him! We were driving to the address that Jason gave us, before we started to drive someone actually wanted to help us!

Alisha: WAIT!!!

Bobby: what now?

Kyle: We don't have enough time we need to go!

Lia: we are here to help!

Lauren: uhh...

Sophie: don't worry!

Marcela: when the time comes they always help!

Lizzie: Alright...but we don't have much time, we need to go!

Alisha: than we're coming too!!

Yasmin: perfect! Come in quick! We can't let Joel be bad! We don't have much time!!

Sorry for the super short chapter my charge was low and good news I am slowly starting to remember the number that was in my dream!

Jizzie: Princess Lizzie and Prince JoelWhere stories live. Discover now