Season 5 part 14: Will she come back

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Sorry I haven't been uploading it's hard to manage school, my two books and my channel at the same time (and the extra courses) I hope you guys can forgive me, I'll try to update more frequently.

*Where Tessa was*

Rachel: Don't you want to see your real parents and make them pay for making you suffer, all those years you were in that trashy orphanage and over here is worst as ever too. Come with me and make them feel your pain!

Tessa: I-I can't! Maybe there was a reason, that they left me.

Rachel: Oh sweet poor innocent Tessa, if you won't believe me than ask Joel and Lizzie. Oh, or how about their friends Yammy, Kyle, Tiffany and Greaser! They all know your past!

Tessa: S-stop lying!

Rachel: Than let's ask Joel shall we. Jason! Could bring Joel and let him tell Tessa's past!

Jason: Already here!

Jason brings Joel, his hand tied up behind him and Oli was no wear to be found!

Jason: C'mon Joel, tell your sweet daughter's past, she wants to hear it and so do we!

Rachel: but before you do, Tessa we should introduce our selves to you! Me and Jason are Zac's real parents, also 'good' friends with your parents.

Joel: Th-that's why the orphanage didn't tell us Zac's real parents, it was you all along!

Jason: If they told you two, you would probably leave him in the streets!

Joel: Than why did you send him to the orphanage, why blame me for what I never did and not blame your selves for sending your son to the orphanage.

Jason: That's none of your concern! Now Joel, tell us Tessa's past and let her parents suffer.

Joel: N-no

Jason: *punches Joel* wrong answer, now tell us the truth, or you know what's next!

Joel: Her parents were, h-horrible snobby and jealous people, they thought that Tessa wasn't worthy-

Tessa: *gasp*

Rachel: See what they did to you, they thought you weren't worthy.

Joel: but me and Lizzie think your perfect the way you are!

Jason: *punches Joel* stop talking!

Joel: we would never want to keep secrets from you but you know we love you with all of our hearts!

Jason: thats it! *makes him faint*

Wow, I am really weird!

Tessa: A-all along my birth parents thought I wasn't worthy, of being apart of their stupid family it's their fault of having me!

Rachel: come with me and you'll see them.

Tessa was convinced to go see her real parents, Joel was on the ground unconscious, Oli was no wear to be found and Zac was in his room. But what about Lizzie?

*5 hours later*

Lizzie: huh? Wh-where am I? Why is it so dark, and it's so cramped, really small! *sniff sniff* Wait a minute it smells like the ocean! No no no!

By the way, the ocean does have its own smell so I'm not making Lizzie seem weird or anything.

Lizzie: I need to get out! I can't get dropped down the ocean, this can't be the end, evil can never win.*sobbing* the kids, our friends, they can't get caught, Joel...he's probably worried by now! I need to find a way to get out!

(Please Read THIS PART!)
Okay now I don't know I'd this chapter is short but I will do my best to upload tomorrow, and also I have an announcement drum role please....

I'm having a discord server! Now I didn't make it yet but once I am done I will tell you guys on my message bord! If you guys want to be in it tell me cause I want to see how much people want to join than I'll make it.

But anyways that's all for today I love you guys so much don't forget to vote and comment and follow me, subscribe to my YouTube channel if you want my channel name is
"NiftyAttorney 93" and I will see my little Attorneys later, bye!

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