Season 2 part 6: Memories

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Lizzie's POV
Sooo...everything was going well! No drama no fighting and especially no pranks! Greaser stopped pranking us after Lauren drew a mustache on him lol!
But today was wired. I was playing Minecraft and when I got up I tripped and hit my head super hard! I was starting to get some flash backs? But it was weird. The person who kidnaped me...he looked so familiar! But who was he! He was at the same school with me before I transferred schools.

Maddie's POV (AKA Lizzie's sis in reality and in the story)
I saw Lizzie in her room and she was mumbling on the ground? Did she trip and fall? Idk? Before she transferred schools she had memory loss! The only person that she forgot was a mean boy that was keep telling Lizzie to date him! So when she denied it she got hit by a bat! she was carried to the hospital and that mean guy...he was sent to prison for 10 years! I hope she forgot him! (I wanted to add Lizzie's sister because when ever I read a jizzie story I don't see her a lot! So Maddie will be added! and don't forget to give me some chapter ideas for the upcoming chapters! We are like half way to 1K views! Yaaasss!!!)

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