Chapter 13: jizzie and the new girl?!

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Stacy's POV
Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeessss!!!!! Lizzie and Lauren are friends!!!!
No more war I am free!!! Wooohhooo!!
I'm gonna celebrate!!! But than Lizzie shouts at me.
"Stacy be quite! It's 2 in the morning we have school tomorrow!" Than I go to bed.

(In the morning)

Stacy: I need to get ready! I need to get ready!!!

Lizzie: Stacy you are going crazy what's wrong?!


Lizzie: c'mon spit it out!

Stacy:uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.... you know what I think we are late for school let's go now shall we!

Lizzie:umm... ok?

(At school)

Lauren: Little Kelly! Little Carly you are here!!

Little Carly: is this normal little Kelly?

Little Kelly: I don't think so...

Lizzie: oh hi Lauren!

Lauren: hey Lizzie what's up?

Little Kelly: I don't think this is normal at all!

Little Carly: I agree to!

Lizzie: oh we forgot to tell the girls. Kelly and Carly, Lauren and I made up.

Kelly and Carly: WAIT WHAAA....!!!!

Lauren: yup it's true!

Little Carly: well if it's fine by you guys than it's fine by us.

Lauren: so I was thinking about Joel and...

(Yammy cuts her off)

Yammy: not another step Lauren!!!

Lauren: wait what...?

Yammy: continue bullying my Bff and you will know what will happen...

Lizzie: but yammy...

Yammy: no buts Lizzie she's going down! With the back of my hand!

Lizzie: yammy! Lauren and I made up!!!

Yammy: wait what?

Lauren: it's true! We are friends!

Yammy: phew! And I thought I was gonna have to punch Lauren.

Lauren: wait wut!?!

Yammy: nothing!

Little Kelly: hey guys did you hear about the new girl?

Lizzie: what new girl?

Little Carly: there is a new girl coming to this school.

Stacy:hey guys sorry I'm late I had to go next to a teacher! And there is a new student coming, her name is Tiffany.

Yammy: oh cool!

Lauren: there she is.

Lizzie: She looks a little shy. Imma gonna go talk to her. (Goes next to Tiffany) hello!

Tiffany: oh umm hi.

Lizzie: you are Tiffany right?

Tiffany: oh yeah!

Lizzie: these are my friends. Stacy, Yammy, Lauren, little Kelly and little Carly!

Tiffany: Nice to meant you guys!

Little Carly: Nice to meant you to!

(Bell rings)

Tiffany: oh I got to go I need to talk to the principal bye.

All of them: bye!

(After class)

Joel: hey there Lizzie!

Lizzie: OH JOEL! You scared me

Joel: sorry about that, anyway I heard that you and Lauren made up. Is that true?

Lizzie: yes it is. Why what happened?

Joel: well everyone is talking about. How you and Lauren hated each other for sooo long and now you guys are friends.

Lizzie: oh cool! And I got to go in showing the new girl Tiffany around the school...

Joel: WAIT!!!

Lizzie: what is it?

Joel: You remember that Joey said that he knew I liked someone in this school.

Lizzie: go on.

Joel: that girl was you Lizzie.

Lizzie: wait whaaa...

Joel: I know this might sound weird but do you want to go on a date this Friday?

Lizzie: id love that!

Joel: okay than I will pick you up at 7pm. Ok?

Lizzie: sure! Bye.

Joel: cya!

Now one of my fans messaged me and I wanted to message back. The thing is I really want to respond to y'all messages but there is something wrong with my gmail and idk how to fix it. I'm sorry for not responding to my fans, I really am! If you guys want to talk to me there is an app called Amino just search for Minecraft Amino and my user name is NiftyAttorney93 AKA my user name from here and we can talk for so long. And tell me that you guys are a fan of my story's so I don't say anything wrong or weird. I love you guys so much and I will see my little Attorneys later, good bye!

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