Season 2 episode 19: the war!

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This is the song I chose of you guys want you can listen to it and read it or you don't have to listen to it! And BTW when the song finishes you can reopen it!

Lizzie's POV
I already knew what i was gonna do! I am not gonna let Jason and his friends wreck my kingdom I am the next queen! I can't let this happen!

Stacy's POV
Since Jason kidnaped Lizzie and entered my sisters mind he knows where my kingdom is! But I am not gonna stand there and do nothing! I am gonna fight for what's right!
(This is super cringing I'm sorry guys)

Lauren: we will show Jason Who's boss!

Everyone: Yeah!

Lauren: Than let's do this!!!

(They go to the forest behind the school)

Jason: well well well! So you finally made up your mind! What's your answer?

Lizzie: my answer is...I'm staying with Joel! And I will fight for what's right!

Jason: Fine than have it your way! Let me get rid of you guys first and than your kingdoms!

Everyone: Bring it on!

Jason: (Does a sonic blast) hah! You all are just losers!

Greaser: (teleports behind Jason and pushes him [and tp's back to his friends]) and I thought were the losers!

Bully: oh yes you are! (Sets every wear on fire)

Amy: I got this! (Puts out the fire)

Bully: Ugh!

(Ps let me remind y'all that there is more than one bully)

Stacy: Ready to back Down!

Jason: Never!

Teena: (Freezes one of the bullies) I forgot to say that my power was ice!

Jason: you broke my heart Lizzie, and now you are gonna pay!

Lizzie: (turns in to a Shadow and Doges his attack) to slow!

Jason: where is your bf he is doing nothing!

Lizzie: he did do something! He saved me!

Shubbel: on word and off word unicorn! (the unicorn Kicks one of the bully's)

Callum: (taps a bully's shoulder) you might want to be careful! (A fox bites the bully) lol

Bully: don't get a head of your self! (Turns him self invisible and hurst Joey) yup it is official I am weird!

Jason: so I see that Joel doesn't have his powers yet!

Scott: so what is that supposed to mean!

Jason: he can't do anything!

Kelly: Oh really! (Shrinks and goes behind him and turns back to normal and pushes him) never talk to my friends like that!

Jason: Thats it! (traps everyone! I mean everyone)
so Joel!

Joel: What do you want?!

Jason: I see that you still don't have your powers yet!

Joel: So?!

Jason: Join me and I will give you better powers!

Joel: why would I do that!

Jason: because Lizzie probably thinks you are useless...

Joel: Shut up! Lizzie knows I would do anything to save her!

Jason: I don't think that is true! Now join me!

Jizzie: Princess Lizzie and Prince JoelWhere stories live. Discover now