Season 5 part 3: Lauren needs our help?!

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I did 2 new chapters and an announcement, enjoy!

Lizzie and Joel have two kids and they loved them very much! Accept...Things were awkward between Zac and Tessa considering they are brother and sister now! It was hard for Zac to take action and hurt Tessa but he's still looking for a chance to get her in trouble and sending her back to the orphanage!

*Lauren texts Lizzie*



>At the text>

Lau: LIZZIE!!!


Lau=I need help!

L=what is it! Is Bobby cheating on you?!?

Lau: what NO!

L=what is it?

Lau=well it's me and Bobby's anniversary and Bobby got me a Dear farm!

L=Wait...who gets a dear farm as an anniversary present?

Lau=idk! But its pretty cool! Call me dear queen yassss!!

L=so why did you text me!

Lau=oh yeah! I can't find Bobby a present and I need your help!

L=oh I can totally help!


L=I can bring the kids too if you want!

Lau= Wait wut! You have kids? How old r they?

L=both of them are 13 years old!

Lau=cool they can help too! GET OVER HERE NOW!


>End of text>

*At Laurens castle*

Tessa: where are we?

Lizzie: we are at Lauren's castle!

Zac: who's that?

Tessa: AAAAA! I get to meet LaurenZside!


Tessa: sorry! Fan girlled a little bit...

Lauren: Lizzie! You made it!

Lizzie: it has been ages we haven't been seeing each other!

Tessa: guys did a vid last week!

Lauren: oh yeah I forgot!

Lizzie: Lauren I would like you to meet, Zac and Tessa!

Zac: hi! Oh forget about her! She's just nobody!


Zac: yesh Sorry! (Doesn't mean the apology)

Lauren: well it's great to meet you guys! Now we need to head straight to the mall! Because I am gonna get Bobby a good present! And wear some stuff so people don't notice us that we are royalty!

Lizzie: oh yeah!

(Everyone wears stuff so other people don't notice them!)

Jizzie: Princess Lizzie and Prince JoelWhere stories live. Discover now