Season 4 part 6: What happend to everyone!?!?!

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Lizzie's POV
We all were running after Joel! He didn't stop, how fast is he?
After a few minutes of running Greaser teleported in front of Joel and stoped him!

Joel: Let go of me! Like I said I can't risk any of you getting hurt!

Lauren: yeah but you can't run away from everything!

Meghan: exactly! Everything is going to be fine, just calm down!

Joel: How can I calm down while I don't even know what to do!

Lizzie: it's going to be fine!

Joel: Alright...but I can't control my self!  I don't know why am I saying these weird stuff or I don't know why am I being mean to Shubbel?!

Callum: Yeah but why is this even happening to you? Is it someone that hates you?

Joey: nobody hates anyone in the school!

Bobby: Maybe it's someone not in the school? Someone that's really jealous of you?

???: (Hiding) well well well! So Joel is losing his mind! I just need to make him fully evil and take over their castles! And when I am done with him I can get rid of Joel! Thank god I ran away from that horrible prison!
Now what shall I do to them...hmm...oh I know! How about this random potion! Its bound to be bad! Hahaha!!
(Throws the Potions to everyone, but it only misses Lauren)

Lizzie: G..guys I feel so weird

Scott: me too...

Britney: I feel like I'm gonna faint!

Kyle: (faints)

Yammy: Kyle no...! (Faints)

Kelly: What is going on!

(Everyone else fainted, a fog cloud came out and...well... wanna find out what happens next, read the next chapter!)

Cliffhanger! Who is this person? What does he want from Joel? And what is gonna happen to everyone accept for Lauren! And sorry for the short chapter gonna write another one today!

Question time!
If you had to picture Lizzie and Joel in any type of Disney movie, witch one would it be? And tell me the characters names too!

Jizzie: Princess Lizzie and Prince JoelWhere stories live. Discover now