I actually did it and New storyies coming up?

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Hello my little Attorneys! Nifty here! So as you guessed from the tittle I am having new books! And something else...so I basically I did something, what did I manage to do well...I got my mom to read my book, I did not let her read the part where Lizzie and Joel get kidnaped but I did mentioned it to her, so...I will actually have a Gmail account thx to you guys so this also means I can do stuff on my message board and text y'all like around a few days later and do a face reveal this month heck or even in the next chapter! Okay now on to the next thing yes it is a jizzie story, a LuarenZside story and a simplynailogical story! It's gonna be short of course, and like I said I will be uploading this book once a week, as well for the new books that I am talking about right now I will upload the LaurenZside book randomly, I might update tomorrow an hour later or a week later who knows, so I'm not having an update schedule! As for the new Jizzie book I will upload the book 3 times a week! I will try to finish it in one or two months! And it's gonna be a good one! I will start writing that story probably around November or the middle of October! And last but not least the simplynailogical book, I am not gonna start that now, probably gonna start that at 2019 because writing 3 or 4 books at the same time will be super hard!
And for my 3rd Jizzie book I will also start that in 2019, I'm not gonna say what this book is about because I'm stuck between 2 choices.
So...why am I telling this now you may ask? Well...let's just say that if any of you guys want to be in the 2nd Jizzie story I can totally add you guys! But like I said does not need to be your real name! And I am also adding you guys for loads of reasons...but that's just a secret for now. But it does have to do something with Lizzie and Joel's wedding! So I'm gonna need 5 shadow cadets! And at least 5 people who watch Joel!
The people who watch Lizzie must be female and the people who watch Joel must be male, of course in reality girls do watch Joel and boys do watch Lizzie but this is just for the story! So I hope that I wasn't sounding racist...
Any ways! Let me tell the story for a few seconds! First off LaurenZside! Okay, it was a good morning, right after Lauren woke up from a bad dream and screamed her head off...she went downstairs to check on Dexter and she got a notification that there is a new update on Yandere Simulator she went to go see the new update but when she opened the game she saw fun girl?! BLACK!!!

And here's the jizzie story! Lizzie and Joel had made a real fan club "insert name here"
Is the leader of the shadow cadets and the "insert name here" is the leader of Joel's fan club. Joel doesn't have a fandom like Lizzie that's why it sounds different. Lizzie and Joel need help with their wedding and it's only 2 weeks away! What will happen in those 2 weeks? I'm not gonna give away the whole thing but you probably know what will happen and when I was asleep I got this dream so hey why not write it in a book am I right! And as for the simplynailogical book, well...that's a secret for now!

So before this ends I would like to say that I kinda want to continue this story in a second book and I'm not sure, I have been thinking about this every night and I need your help! It's too hard to decide so I want you guys to choose for me, should I continue this story in this book, or continue the story in another book, comment me your ideas please!

But anyways that's all for today I love you guys so much don't forget to vote and comment and subscribe and I will see my
little Attorneys later, bye!

Question time!!!

1) do you know simplynailogical because some people requested Joel to search her up at Joel's "reacting to your comments" video

2) what is a writes block? Because I never got it and I probably don't want to get it because I heard it isn't a good thing and what happens when you get it?

Btw I made 3 parts of the LaurenZside story so go check it out! If you want...than you can! (Wait wut)

Jizzie: Princess Lizzie and Prince JoelWhere stories live. Discover now