Chapter 19: True love!

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Lizzie's POV
I was pulled by my pink tail and I found my self tied up! I saw who kidnaped me but idk what was it! Now I should have just followed rule number one of being a mermaid. Never go out side when it is dark. I was yelling at him, telling that why did he take me away! "I took you away because I knew you were a human, so since you came to this castle I was spying on you!" was He spying on me? the guards would catch you! "I entered the future queens mind so I can see what were you doing and how to get you out of the castle to take you away!"
That's why Amy was being so rude!
"After I take your tail away you will drown and I will watch you perish!" And I was starting to get scared! He was looking for a spell to take away my tail, but he was in training so it took a long time.
After a while I saw a familiar face it was Joel! He actually came to save me! Wait...! He might drown! Nooo!

Joel's POV
When I was looking for Lizzie I saw this weird looking cave. I went in the cave and I saw Lizzie tied up! And saw who ever kidnaped Lizzie. When I was swimming up to Lizzie to save her, he cast a spell on me...and I started to breathe underwater water? What how was this possible!

???: ugh! My dam powers I'm still in training so I cast the wrong spell!!!

Joel: let her go or else!

???: or else what! You are useless, you have no power like me!

Joel: well you can't use your powers properly so HAH!

???: (punches Joel)

Lizzie: Joel No!!!

???: just because i can't use my powers properly doesn't mean I can't fight!

Lizzie: leave him alone! I'm the one you want!

???: I need to get rid of him first! Than your next!

(Joel kicks him)

???: you started it now your gonna pay! (Gets a knife)

Lizzie: Joel you need to leave now! I don't want you getting hurt!

Joel: take me instead of Lizzie!

???: why not me killing both of you! (Try's to stab Joel and the knife gets stuck in the rock)

Joel: I'm coming Lizzie! (Unties Lizzie)

Lizzie: let's go now!

???: (holds Lizzie's Hand) get back here you...

Joel: (punches the thing and kicks him) let's go Lizzie!

(They leave the cave and go back to the ship)

Scott: I'm so worried what If Joel and Lizzie... got hurt or worse!

Oli: don't think bad Scott just hope they are okay.

Joey: I am freaking out! What if Scott is right!

Callum: wait I hear something.

Oli, Callum, Scott and Joey: YOU GUYS ARE SAFE!!!

Scott: we were so worried!

Oli: what happened!?!?!

(Lizzie and Joel go on the boat)

Lizzie: there was this weird thing that was trying to kill me! Than Joel came up and he saved me!

Joey: hold on how did you not drown?!

Callum: yeah how was that possible!?

Joel: the thing cast a spell on me and by accident he gave me the power to breathe underwater... owww!!!

Lizzie: uhh... Joel are you okay!?

Joel: he... stabbed my arm...

Lizzie: NO!

Jizzie: Princess Lizzie and Prince JoelWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt