Season 4 episode 13: almost gone wrong but we actually won!!

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Oli: so you like the floor better than me Scott?

Scott: well the floor can't give me a good nickname...

Oli: see!

Scott: but the floor also won't annoy me.

Oli: the floor can annoy you...

Tiffany: instead of talking about the floor why don't we get ready for the next category!

Lizzie: what is the next category anyway?

Joey: Gaming! So that means it is me and Meghan!

Stacy: well than what are you waiting for? Get ready!!!

Meghan: right!

(When the race begins)

RP: next category is Gaming!

WWP: get ready gamers!! It's your turn now!!

Lia: can't wait for you guys to lose!! Hahaha!!

Yammy: where's the knife!!

Lauren: Yammy calm down! We all know Joey is very competitive at Gaming! And probably Meghan too!

Yammy: I hope so! Because if they win and make fun of us someone might actually die!!

Callum: where's Joel!?!?!

Lizzie: what do you mean? You lost him!?!?!

Greaser: eh...yeah we did...

Lizzie: what are you crazy!?!?! Something is already wrong with Joel and we are trying to fix him!!! Who know what he might do!?!?!

HP: the video game will be...Minecraft! (It's a classic)

Meghan: ooo!! Minecraft! That's a piece of cake!

Joey: oh you know the game too!

Meghan: Duh! I love the game!

RP: we set up a parkour race! And it will get harder and deadlier!

WWP: ready set...GO!

(Meghan and Joey were in the lead! But do y'all remember Joel was missing! Wanna know where did he go?)

Joel: (at the cafeteria) where's the knife!?!?! Where is it!?!?!

Why does Joel need a knife!?! Eh you can't judge him after every thing he said, witch he did not mean!!!

Lizzie: we need to go look for him!!

Shubbel: what can he possibly do any way?!?!?

Stacy: oh c'mon he was that mean to you and after Lizzie showed us those videos of Joel saying weird stuff!

Amy: do you think he actually might kill someone?

Callum: he's not a murderer!

Joel: hey guys look what I have! (Show knife)

Callum: Uhh...WHAT THE HELL!!

Carly: Joel it's us!! Your friends!! Don't you remember us!!

Joel: sure I remember you guys!

Everyone: Phew!!

Joel: but I will remember you guys better when your dead!

Lizzie: Joel NO! Don't do this! You know this isn't you! Someone cast a spell on you and your keep forgetting it!

Joel: (turns back to normal) I'm...I'm sorry...I don't know why am I acting like this!!

Oli: Joel it's ok!

Joel: ok?! What do you mean it's ok!!??!! I was about to kill you guys!!

Kelly: Wait a minute!

Scott: what?

Kelly: don't you guys remember! When ever Joel was not himself we tried to stop him but it didn't work but when Lizzie was telling him to calm down he turned back to normal!

Yammy: what are you trying to say Kelly!?

Kelly: I'm saying that Lizzie has some kind of power in her! If she doesn't talk to Joel he won't be him self!

Carly: so is Lizzie supposed to stay with Joel all the time until he gets better?

Kelly: well if the spell gets stronger it will be even harder to convince him!

Yammy: you might be right but we have two problems! Number one; who's gonna win this round? Number two; witch idiot cast a spell on Joel?

Joel: idk...but let's enjoy the rest of this round and we can get Daniels help because he might know what to do...

(When the race is about to finish)

Joey: I made it to the end of the parkour!!

Meghan: me too!! Joey we did it!!!

Lauren: HAHAHAHA!!! Yessssss!!! (In that creepy Lauren sound) WE WON!! IN YOUR FACES!!!

Everyone: ???

Lauren: is this a little too much? Yeah it is...

Daniel: done!! We are in second!!!

WWP: so it's settled!! The winners are the royals!

Oli: this is the time for a new nickname for Joey and Meghan!

Amy: what is it with you and nicknames!?!

Oli: I don't know! But Joey's is his firs name and last name! JOEY GRACEFFA! And Meghan's nickname is GamerBurry!

Meghan: I like it!

Joey: continue giving out nicknames Oli! This going pretty good!

Oli: Okay! Well I already know Kelly and Carly's nicknames!
Little Kelly and Little Carly!

Carly: thats pretty good!

Kelly: I like it!

Oli: Stacy will be StacyPlays! And Amy's can be Amy Lee!

Stacy: OMG thanks Oli!

Amy: perfect!

Oli: don't worry I have loads of nicknames for all of you! Just need to think about better ones...

Heyo Guys!! Finally a new chapter! Y'all still waiting for the Q and A! Well I wrote it but didn't publish it yet! I want more questions from different people! And the same people that asked can ask again I am okay with it and I thought that y'all can ask me a bit more personal questions it can be really personal if y'all want! But don't let it be inappropriate! (Witch ik it won't be inappropriate but just saying) but that Is all for today and guys I need your help! I might get a very rear cat and I need to beg my mother so does anyone know any good ways to beg people for cats? Because I'm gonna be asking for a cat! But like I said that is all for today I love you guys so much thank for all the support! Don't forget to vote and comment and I will see my little Attorneys later! (While I was writing this I think the cars tire popped I hope it didn't)

Jizzie: Princess Lizzie and Prince JoelOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz