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"hoseok!" the boy squirmed away under the grasp of the bulky man just as yoongi shot pillars of fire to the bulky man's direction.

The poor man screamed in pain as the fire scorched through its uniform vest but yoongi had a hold on the fire's temperature.Stroding casually to the half-burned man,he took hold of its collar making the man to swallow his scream.

"who do you work for?" yoongi snarled visciously.

"fire him boys" the man's answer was so quite,yoongi wouldn't have heard it if he didnt pay attention to it.

"i said.who do you work for?" yoongi was fuming by now,each word inutiated but the man only laughed at this, "too late"

"im immune dumbass" hoseok cheered when a diffrent dart had landed on his forearm, "wait what"

"hose-" seeing the alarmed boy's face after seeing his metal self dissapearing.Hoseok glance nervously at yoongi, "hyung whats wrong with me?"

A loud laughter resonated from the half burning man after seeing hoseok's reaction, "the cure from the mutagen"

"cure?" yoongi asked and turned around as hoseok screamed in fear.Hoseok was looking at his arms wildly,flinging his normal skin colour, "h-hyung my p-powers"

Yoongi who finally pieced the information together cried in anger,making the man in his hold to be fully submerge in flaming blue fire.Rapid stomps were heard from his side and with his newfound instincts,he rose a fire wall just in time to swallow the similar darts that was still stuck in hoseok's forearm.

The boy whimpered helplessly and tried to regain his metal self by touching a broken metal car dor but it was useless since he couldn't feel it anymore.He felt like a burden thankfully the others had arrived.Jimin,Xandra and jasmine look at him weirdly, "you aint fighting?"

"i lost my powers"



"am i supposed to say what too?" jasmine asked fingers looping on her the hilt of her glowing sword.After sensing the burning gaze from jimin and Xandra she sighed exasperatedly, "what?"

"stop chit chating and help me!" yoongi shouted blue fire reaching up to his fore arm.

Hoseok tugged lightly on jimin's wrist,a sick feeling of not having his metal skin, "the darts take your powers away....please dont get shot"

"we will" jimin curtly nodded and joined yoongi but stopped when he saw three unconsious bodies littered on the floor, "oh sh-"

"put your hands up" one of the men ordered, "or we'll shoot your pretty friends on the head but even better....do you want the cure?"

Jimin shook his head in anger as he stared at his friends unconsious bodies litered with a few darts.Lifting up his line of sight,he was greeted by numerous men pointing their tranqualiser darts at him.

"what did you do?" jimin hissed.

"plainly knocking them out?" the man shook his tranqualiser gun infront of jimin's face, "try something funny and i won't hesistate to kill your friends"

Sensing the absence of jimin's reply,the man continued talking, "i offer you a deal...work for us or....no more little bestfriends"

Jimin's head pounded painfully at this

shit this is harder than solving seokjin's dad jokes

"why are you doing this?"

The man laughed at this, "lets be real.the only thing you guys do is add trouble when obviously" stepping closer to the unimpressed jimin, "you're only causing death and havoc"

"at least lesser death had been calculated!!" jimin exclaimed loudly,tears of fury streaming down his red cheeks.

"aww you crying?come onnn you haven't even made your choice yet" the man cooed and pointed the gun once again to jimin's direction.

"time is ticking jimin you have to make your choice now"

"he doesn't have to choose a choice" another deep voice rumbled.Craning his head to see who the owner was,jimin gasped at taehyung's orbs glowing brightly.

Without waiting for another sarcastic remark,taehyung held out both his palm and ice instantly traveled to the unknown man's direction.Screams echoed in the far distance as the eyes strats to increase,killing those who had unluckily touched the ice.

Jimin rubbed his eyes in disbelief when he saw the faint glow of a purple beam in the ice while teahyung was busy cursing at a stray bullet that had punctured his shoulder.

He immediatly turned to his right,grinning maniacly at the man who was shaking while holding its rifle.

"i-im so-" the frightened man couldn't croak out a sentence once taehyung had got his way with him and poor man slumped dead with a broken neck.

Jimin flinched again when taehyung's triple wings flapped tremendously. Following his line of sight,jimin was horrified.

"tae!!" the winged man was chasing a military bus that had escaped while he was busy freezing their enemies.

"you piece of s-"


"what?" seeing the small figure of the bus getting smaller as it went off into the distance.Taehyung was about to spit another harsh remark to jimin for distracting him but stopped when his eyes met the glassy orbs of his friend.

"tae are you alright?" jimin voice cracks as tears streamed down his cheeks.Seeing his friend being so harsh was something he didn't want at all and after getting snapped by taehyung he just couldn't control his tears.

Taehyung's heart just broke at the sight and he engulfed jimin in a warm hug,his 6 wings following suit, "im sorry"

"im sorry too" jimin hiccuped and clenched taehyung's shirt tightly.afraid he would let go and someone else would change him.

The soft moment was shattered once again when they heard the distinct screams of jenevie and jungkook.

"oh god no"


"cmon kook" jenevie's voice was strained as she fought hard to keep the horned man from attacking the speedster who was busy electrocuting an unbreakable necklace.

"this is pure shit" jungkook cursed.

"language" the boy apologized sheepishly and added more of his electricity by summoning the thunder itself.Rain had matted their whole head making it hard to see each other with the drops of water constantly blocking their sight.

Alliester laughed at jungkook's futile attempt on breaking the necklace, "a simple spell but it is unbreakable"

"uh sorry we don't do hoka poka shit" jungkook replied.Jenevie was trying to stiffle her laughter while still keeping her full concentration on the devil infront of her.

"we need guanlin i think?"

"no" the boy answered and levitated in the air and created a laso made of air which tightened their hold on alliester.

"well who is gonna kill him?" jenevie retorded.Her patience quickly detoriating.

[REWRITING] Are we still heroes? (bts fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now