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Taehyung grunted once the first rays of sunlight clouded his sight.

"you're finally awake" a hoarse voice spoke out.

Taehyung looked around and saw yoongi who was staring right at him.Yoongi's face mirrored the confusion on taehyung.

"i woke up earlier than you and..i don't remember anything that happen" yoongi started off.

"i dont remember anything too" taehyung mumbled.

His throat was so dry,he fumbled around with the desk too much which caused the ceramic vase to crash into million pieces on the floor.

A nurse immediatly came to the rescue and sweeped up the mess taehyung caused.

"w-water" he croacked out and sigh contently once the refreshing liquid moisturised his dry osephagus.

"how long have we been out?" He asked the nurse who looked nervous at their presence.

"4 days" Taehyung and yoongi's eyes widen at her answer.

"do you know what happen?" The nurse's shake of a head dissapointed taehyung.

"please get some rest sir" the nurse muttered.

Taehyung rolled his eyes and stood up from his bed but failed when his legs shook from beneath him.The nurse went into a scolding rampage and lectured about having enough rest but with a simple flick of taehyung's hands, a frosty sharp blade was pointed at the woman's direction.

Yoongi also took the cue to leave the boring medical bay.

"we're just leaving" Taehyung clamped his fist shut and the sharp ice blade dissapeared but the unnerving sinister smile never wavered.

"we're just leaving"


"hyung" A boy in a the medic gown barged into his hyung's room.

"taehyung-ah" Namjoon scolded at his stubborn cousin.

"you shouldn't be out"

"i was bored" taehyung pouted, "even yoongi hyung was bored"

Matchstick aka yoongi was curled on a sofa absent-mindedly nodded at taehyung's statement.His eyes were closed due to the comfortable state he was in.

Right on time,seokjin's loud singing filled the whole room causing the disturbed yoongi to curse at the person at fault.

"SEOKJIN-HYUNG SHUT THE F-" utter chaos of laughter filled the room when seokjin managed to tangle his way to yoongi who's eyes were still close.He then moved his fingers on the sides of yoongi's abdomen which caused him to laugh really hard.

"s-stop" yoongi wheezed as tears of joy streamed down his cheeks.

The tension in the air was lifted as if they were never tense before.

"what happened tho" taehyung asked and tapped his fingers rythemitically on his thighs,curiousness invading their inner self.

Seokjin and namjoon exchange worried glances at each other.They even had a mouthing match of saying 'you say it first' .

"can yall just be adults for a second and tell it to us face to face" yoongi remarked after getting dizzy of looking from seokjin to namjoon.

"alright alright" seokjin started off, "yoongi had a phoenix and taehyung had a kuraokami"

Yoongi scrunched his face in confusion.

"a phone?"

"he probably said an iphone x"

"a phoenix" seokjin corrected.

"a kura-what...are you guys okay?" seeing the boy's confused face made namjoon to roll his eyes in dissapointment of the older.

"i seriously thought you were gonna do it better" namjoon hissed at seokjin who wasn't fazed by the whole incident.

"atleast im not the one to rebirth a bird and a dragon" Namjoon had been so close to smack seokjin in the face with his nonchallant answers.

So he took the initiative to explain everything in detail.

"you guys were affected by a weird substance that had increased your powers" The two boys finally nodded in understandment.

"so what about the phone ex and a kura whatever"

"those are your powers" namjoon concluded.

"by the way where are the others?" yoongi asked.

"jimin,jungkook and hoseok are to undergo a solo-mission training together"

Taehyung laughed at namjoon's answer, "if it was a solo mission why would there be three people?"

"i said training dumbass"

[REWRITING] Are we still heroes? (bts fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now